chapter 5

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Third pov.

The day was unusually quite in the Akatsuki base. When Itachi finished his story everyone was quite with their own thoughts but one thought was common in everyone's mind 'Why was she there?'. A few more minutes have passed and the Uchihas have stopped their tears and was deep in thoughts. Itachi was thinking about her and her condition they have still not told Orochimaru what is happening to her now. No one knew what the old sanin will do after hearing this. For all Itachi know is that Haruko was like a granddaughter to Orochimaru. When they were kids he used to play and teach them many thing along with Obito. Haruko was really important to all of them. Even though the Akatsuki didn't know the girl that much but still they felt something that draw them a wanting to protect the fragile blonde girl. Itachi is now 20 and the kyubi attach happened with they were only 7 that means she have been suffering for 12 years. If it was someone else they would have been already dead by now. It was a miracle that the girl have survived that long. Maybe because she is part Uzumaki. Pain felt his blood boil at the thought of a fellow Uzumaki being touchered. A Uzumaki was know for their loyalty and love for one another no matter they are rouge or not and Nagato was no difference. Obito was deep in his own thought the man-child can become a very serious and dangerous person if he wants to. Obito was thinking for any possibility that can lead to why Haruko was in Iwa and was experimented on. After a few minutes of deep thinking something hit him like a truck. The hokage. It was the hokage who told everyone that Haruko was dead and they will never speak of it again. Although Obito was not there in the village when the kyubi attack happened he was always well informed about everything that happened in the village. Obito's apparent death happened a year before the kyubi attack that is when Itachi and Haruko was 6. Seeing that Obito have come to some conclusion Sasori asked "Tobi do you have something to say" Everyone looked at Tobi his gaze soon fell on the other Uchiha and said "the hokage" Itachi's eyes widen in realisation. Orochimaru also shoot his head up. "What" asked the snake sanin. "The hokage. He knew about this. Haruko was never dead in the first place." Tobi said "that's right. I remember after seeing her bloody body the third hokage immediately ordered some ANBU to take her away. That was the last time I saw her. It was a few weeks later that the hokage declared that Haruko has passed away and a small funeral was done for her and order everyone to never speak of it ever again." Itachi said. "What in the fucking hell. So you are saying that the fucking old man knew about this and did something. But what. Did that motherfucker sold her or something." Hidan blurred out. Even though he was only saying shit everyone's eyes widen at Hidan's comment. "No sensai would never do anything like that right." Orochimaru asked desperately even though he lost the trust in them he never hated his people. "You never know. I lost my trust for Konoha the moment I saw Kakashi persing his hand through Rin's heart and no body did anything for that except did a small pathetic funeral." Tobi said anger was evident in his voice. Pain immediately stood up and said "I will look into it. Orochimaru I think you should go see her now. Kanon and Tobi may go with them and Kisame and the rest follow me." Everyone nodded Itachi Tobi Orochimaru and Kanon walked towards Itachi's room and the rest to the office.
When they reached the door Orochimaru took a deep breath and opened the door. When his eyes layed on the fragile blonde girl he couldn't hold his sobs anymore. "Oh Haruko..what have they done to you" Orochimaru immediately walked near her and sat down besides the bed and took her hands in his. Izzy slowly crawled out of his sleeves and wrapped herself around Haruko's weak skinny hand. Orochimaru's hand glowed green. After a few minutes let go of her hand with a gasp and fell backwards. "What happened?" Asked Tobi impatiently. Itachi knew somewhat about her condition from Kanon but not fully Kanon just held her head low. "She is too weak. Her chakara is a mess. How is she even alive. Her chakara level is so unstable one minute it is high like it will explode any moment and the next it is dangerously low. She is extremely malnutritioues extreme vitamin D deficiency dehydrated. Her heart is the only this that is working properly for now atleast. It not as bad as compared to the other organs. There seems to be something blocking her brain signals to the other part of the body." Orochimaru explained "hisss masster there is alssso high amount of poisson in her blood hiss" Izzy said "I know I felt that too. That may be one things that is causing a blockage to her chakara and brain signals." "is there any ways we can help her?" Asked Itachi desperately. Orochimaru looked up to the Uchiha and said "I will look into it." With that Orochimaru stood up kissed the blonde girls forehead and left to his lab with full of determination to save his surrogate granddaughter. 'I will save you this time Haruko. Just hold on a little longer."

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