Katherine part 2 ✔️

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After Buffy left the tomb she, Alec and Eric went to her house. That Marcel had helped her "buy" when she was still with him in New Orleans.

Buffy, Alec and Eric ended up getting a phone call from the one and only Elijah Mikealson. Telling the three of them to meet up with him.


While Buffy,Eric and Alec head out to meet up with Elijah.

Stefan and Damon go back to the tomb where Katherine is to try and get the moonstone. Not knowing that Katherine no longer has the real one.

Not that Katherine would tell them anyways. Since it's free entertainment watching them try and find away into the tomb to retrieve the fake moon stone.

With Buffy, Alec and Eric plus ghost Kol

"Why are we helping him?," Eric questioned.

"He helped take away Kol, you know," Alec added on.

"We're not helping him, we are only pretending to." "I've been talking to Nik, as soon as he comes to Mystic Falls and breaks his course, the sooner Kol come back to us," Buffy tells Tweedledee and Tweedledum confidently.

"You shouldn't trust either of my older brother," ghost Kol adds to the conversation.

"I'm more then aware Kol, but if you would like Alec, Eric and I could go back to New Orleans, to hang out with Marcel, while your stuck in you wooden box with a dagger stuck in your heart," Buffy threatened.

Ghost Kol growled at the threat.

"No I didn't think so," Buffy replied to Kol's growling.

While Alec and Eric roll there eyes in unison so used to hearing, only Buffy responding to Kol, since Nither of them can hear or see the ghost.


Damon convinced Rose, to take him to find her friend who has contacted Elijah for her.

So Rose took Damon to see her friend Slater, at a vampire friendly cafe. Not realizing that Elijah isn't dead.


At the vampire friendly cafe

Buffy, Eric, Alec and Ghost Kol are waiting for Elijah to show up.

Not long after the slayer, ghost and her sidekick got to the cafe. Damon and Rose show up.


As soon as Damon and Rose enter the cafe. Rose take her jacket off. Which makes the Salvatore vampire freak out since he doesn't know the window are specially made to keep the deadly rays out.

Buffy giggles at Damon reaction, which causes ghost Kol to be a little jealous. Since it was someone else making her giggle and not him.

Which is what she wanted, she wanted him to be nice and jealous that way when she got him back, he would tech her a lesson.

The Mikealson man new this, was her plan. He tried his best not to let it bother him, but it still did. But there was nothing he could currently do since he was currently trapped in a coffin, thanks to his older brothers and younger sister.

While Kol was thinking to himself, Slater had introduced himself to Damon.

"Damon Salvatore. Turned 1864 in Mystic Falls by Katherine Pierce aka Katerina Petrova." Slater more or less fan girled about the older Salvatore vampire. "So I take it I was right, what I told you about the tomb under the church was true?" Slater questioned.

"Creep," Buffy mumbled underneath her breath, luckily for her nobody but ghost Kol, Eric and Alec had heard her mumble.

"You are not wrong, Darling," Kol replied to the love of his life.

"Yes. It was right. Thank you for the tip." Rose tells her friend.

Buffy rolls her eyes at Rose and Slater.

A little while later

"Your sure that Elijah is dead?" Slater questioned.

"Beyond dead." Damon answered

Buffy silently laughs at the Salvatore man, answer since she knows Elijah is not dead.

"Trevor was a good man; he helped me with my dissertation on sexual deviance in the Baroque period. I was schooling for my Psych PhD." Slater tells Damon

"Slater's been in college since '74." Rose add on to what her friend was saying

"When I was turned. I have 18 degrees, 3 master's and 4 PhDs."

Buffy rolls her eyes at Slater complaining about having 18 different degrees.

"Wow my two friends here have 20 each," Buffy says to her small table of herself Eric, Alec and Ghost Kol. Causing Eric and Alec to snicker.

Damon was starting to get annoyed at Rose and Slater. Since he couldn't care less about them, he cared more about Elena and getting answers to his questions.

So Damon flat out questioned Slater.

"How did you get in contact with Elijah?" The dark haired Salvatore inquired.

"Craigslist." Slater truthfully answered him.

Causing Buffy to giggle, just imagining, the noble original sitting on a computer. Waiting for info to come in via Craigslists of all place.

"What is Elijah thinking?" Eric wonders out loud earning a shoulder shrug from both Buffy and Alec.

"No idea whatsoever," Alec answered.

"What is this Craigslist," Ghost Kol questioned the love of his life. But not getting a reply from her. Since she is now looking out the café window, know seeing Elijah outside, playing with coins in his hands.

"Oh shit," Eric and Alec say in unison after looking out the window, seeing Elijah.

"He wouldn't dare," ghost Kol growled out loud, after noticing his older brother.

"Oh, he would tho," Buffy retorted.

Damon, Rose and Slater continued to talk about the sun and the moon curse, without thinking that somebody could be listening in on them.

As soon as Buffy, Alec and Eric looked away from the window, it shattered into a million different pieces. Thanks to Elijah throwing coin into it.

Since not every vampire in the cafe had daylight jewelry, it turned into chaos pretty quickly.

Luckily for Buffy, Alec and Eric both had daylight rings thanks to a friend of theirs.

Alec and Eric were able to get Buffy off her chair and under the table fast enough that the glass didn't cut her.

Slater ended up ditching Rose and Damon, causing the Salvatore to think that Slater was somehow responsible for the window breaking.

Rose attempted to defend her friend but it didn't help much.

Damon got Rose out of the sun, as fast as he could so that she wouldn't burst in to flames and die.

"Well, that was eventful," Alec started once they were the only ones left in the cafe.

"I'm going to kill him," ghost Kol threatened referring to Elijah of course.

"Well you can plan your revenge, while trapped in that lovely box of yours," Buffy tells the love of her life. Earning a slight glare from Kol.

Alec and Eric both roll their eyes.


Elijah ended up killing Slater, but not before getting the younger vampire to call Rose. To give her false information about the sun and the moon curse.


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