if you really think that Niklaus would do that, then you have a problem Eil ✔️

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As soon as Elijah, Buffy and ghost Kol reach mystic falls.

Alec and Eric meet up with them.

"Nice of the two of you to finally join us," the blonde sarcastically says to Eric and Alec.

Who both smile at her, which she returns to them.

"This is where I leave you Elijah," Buffy says before trying to walk away.

"Miss Summer," Elijah says marking the blonde turn to him.

"We will get them back," Buffy says before Elijah can say anything.

"He dumped there body in the ocean," Elijah try's to inform her.

Buffy look Elijah in the eyes " if you really think that Niklaus would do that, then you have a problem Eil," the slayer tells him before walking away followed by Eric and Alec.

"She's not wrong, Nik might dagger us but he would never actually get rid of us," ghost Kol informs his older brother. Even though Elijah can't hear him.

Once again before getting very far the blonde turns back to Elijah, " oh and Elijah you owe me a car," the slayer tells him. Which made him chuckle but nod his head yes.

Once far enough away Eric reached into his pocket and pulled out a familiar looking necklace.

"Here," Eric says handing it to her

"Thanks," Buffy says with a true smile on her face, before taking it and putting it on herself.

"No problem," both body guards say in unison

"So creepy." Is the only thing Buffy has to say referring to them talking in unison.


With the help of Alec and Eric, Buffy found out that Katherine was currently trapped in the tomb.

So with that information she made her way to the tomb to see her.

So with a bag of fresh clothes along with a couple blood bags as well. Buffy, Alec and Eric all made there were towards the tomb.


By the time the three of them got to the tomb doors it was still early in the morning.

"Do you think she awake yet?," Alec questioned

"Who said she ever fell asleep in the first place," the blonde slayer fire back with her eyebrow raised in question.

"Nobody," Eric replied sounding tired.

"Exactly," ghost Kol said out loud even thought only Buffy could hear him.

Buffy smirks

"Kol," both Eric and Alec say in unison as soon as they saw the smirk on her face

The slayer nodded her head yes at her two friends to let them know, that they are right.

"So how much do you want to bet that your cousin come here today, to get answers from her doppelgänger," Alec Jokingly asked

"Nothing because that's exactly what Buffy counting on," Eric answered him

"He right, that's exactly what I'm hoping she does," the slayer says agree with Eric

All Alec does is nod his head in understanding.

"I know that, I was only Joking," Alec says trying defend himself, even thought he doesn't need too.

"We know," Buffy and Eric say in unison with smile on both of there faces.

"Yep super creepy when you two talk in unison as well, Darling," ghost Kol points out to Buffy.

Buffy only response was rolling her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me darling," Kol growls at Buffy.

Who just ignores him at this point, knowing that it'll drive him nuts.

"Don't ignore me, Angle," Kol tells her.

Buffy does just that and continues to ignore him temporarily.

"Come on boys help me open the door please," Buffy asks Alec and Eric since she doesn't want to break a nail. Even though she could move the tomb door if she really wanted to.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum open the tomb door for her.

"Kitty, where are you?," Buffy calls out as soon as the door was opened.

Kathrine walks towards the tomb door looking dreadful.

"Your late," the vampire doppelgänger replied

"Well considering that I was kidnapped by your old lover Elijah, what do you expect?" The rebel slayer fights back.

"Elijah in town?," Kathrine ask with slight fear.

"Is that really all you got out of that?," Alec questioned with wide eyes

"Unfortunately yes," ghost Kol answered Alec not that Alec can hear him.

"So anyways has dear Elena come to see you for information yet?," the vampire slayer asks

"No, not yet," Katherine answers

"Good," Buffy says with a smile

Kathrine looks confused

"Give me the moon stone Kitty," Buffy tells the trapped doppelgänger.


"I said give me the moon stone now, Katherine," the slayer says a second time.

"But...it's...my...," Katherine try's to says something but was cut off by Eric

"Yeah, yeah it's your ticket to freedom we know," Eric says out loud

"But if the Salvatore brothers find a way into the tomb and somehow get the moonstone, then bye-bye ticket to freedom," Alec taunt the vampire doppelgänger.

"We have a fake one, that we'll give you to hang on to, that way if the Salvatore's do somehow get it, there's nothing they can do," Eric adds on to what Alec and Buffy have been saying.

"But...," Katherine try's to find a way around giving them the moon stone but can't seem to find one.

So Katherine reluctantly hands the real moonstone over to Buffy, while Alec tosses the fake one next to her.

"Thanks Kitty," Buffy says with a smile on her face, once she is holding the moon stone in her hands.

"Won't a witch know that, this moon stone isn't Real?," the vampire doppelgänger questioned.

"Only if there trained very well," Both Kol and Buffy tell her in unison. Even though she can't hear Kol.

"So, if your worried about the Bennett witch, don't," Eric inform Kathrine.

"Anyways we have place to be and things to do, so here you go don't drink them all at once," Buffy tell the vampire doppelgänger throwing the bag of fresh clothing and blood bags throw the barrier separating them.

"We'll more then likely be back later," Buffy says walking towards the tomb door heading out.

"See yeah Katherine," both Eric and Alec say in unison following after Buffy.


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