The beginning to the end of Joyce summers ✔️

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It was early evening in California. On a street that has houses on it. It was so quiet that you could almost hear a pin drop. But it wouldn't stay that quiet for much longer. Since a very angry mother just caught her daughter trying to sneaking out of the house.

Unfortunately that meant the daughter had to tell her mother the truth. the good, the bad, and the ugly truth.

"I'm a vampire slayer" the blonde teenager says for the first time that night, but it wouldn't be the last.

"What do you mean your a vampire slayer" Joyce summers yells at her daughter, Buffy.

"I'm a vampire slayer mom, it means I slay vampire," Buffy says before adding "it also mean I hang out in cemetery a lot." The blonde tried to explain to her mother.

However her mother was not taking the news very well.

"your not being funny right know Buffy " Joyce deadpan to her daughter.

"I'm not trying to be," the younger blonde tells her mom.

"I'm being dead serious," the slayer adds on after a brief pause.

Joyce gave her daughter a look that said I don't believe you. So the blonde slayer decided to tell her what really happened when she blew up the gym.

"Remember when I blew up the Gym at Harmony, it was filled with vampires," The younger summer girl tried telling her mother.

"I new taking you off your meds was the wrong thing to do, your dad tried to warn me but did I listen no." Joyce tells her daughter.

"Mom I not crazy, nor am I lying to you." The blonde truthfully tells her mother.

"She really is telling the truth," ghost Kol says not that anyone had heard him, other than Buffy of course.

"Yeah right" Joyce says sarcastically to her daughter.

"Stop lying to me young lady" the older Summer woman demands.

"I'm not" The Slayer fire back at her mom.

"Yes you are" Joyce yelled back at her.

"I'm not mom" the young blonde says again.

The fight continued to get worse between the mother and daughter. Before some words were said by Joyce that broke her daughter heart.

What was said by Joyce doesn't matter. Just know that whatever Joyce had said would break anybody heart.


Meanwhile somewhere close to the house two vampire protectors were sitting by, and keeping a close eye on a certain blonde slayer.

Since they could feel something bad was about to happen, to the small blonde. What it was Nither of them new.


Sometime later that night.

A fire alarm started going off, fire stared to spread around the house super fast. How it really started has been questioned a lot. Some think a candle was left lit, other think Buffy started the fire in order to get back at Joyce, but nobody really know.

All they do know is that, night is when Joyce Summer died and Buffy Summer vanished for several months, leaving no trail behind her.

Before the fire had completely burned down the house. Eric and Alec were able to rescue Buffy. Before the fire could harm her. Unfortunately Joyce wasn't to lucky

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