Hello Elijah!✔️

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So Katherine did indeed get to Mystic Falls, and she used Buffy disappearance to her advantage.

She toyed with Elena about how her cousin is dead, since she got to her first and drank her dry. To prove to her human doppelgänger that the blonde was dead, she used her necklace. Let's just say Elena completely believed her. It made Elena hate her vampire doppelgänger ten times more then before.

Little did Elena know that her cousin was perfectly fine, and on her way to Mystic Falls. For the masquerade ball that the Lockwood we're having.


However before Buffy was able to get to Mystic Falls, something else happened.

Something that wasn't supposed to happen until after the Ball, but she was just going to roll with it. Hopefully Alec and Eric would notice the change of plans. And figure out how to make the new plans work without her being there, to help them.


Katherine ended up getting trapped in a room at the Lockwood mansion, with Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Who planned on killing her. Not knowing that the vampire doppelgänger had back up of her own.

Said back up had gotten there just in time, to retrieve Buffy necklace before either of the Salvatore could.

"Together again just like old times, with the brother who loved me too much and the one who didn't love me enough," Katherine say tauntingly to the Salvatore brothers.

"And the lying bitch who didn't care about anybody, but herself," Damon fired back.

That's what you think, the vampire doppelgänger thought to herself.

"I don't get it," Stefan muttered to himself. He then muttered something about George Lockwood and the moon stone. Finally figuring out how Katherine got out of the tomb.

"What?" Damon questions his younger brother.

"You gave George Lockwood the moon stone, didn't you," Stefan questions the vampire doppelgänger. "In exchange for a way out of the tomb," Stefan add on seconds later.

Instead of answering him Kathrine only walked over to him, fixed his tie and mouthed "I love you" to him.

At that point Damon saw the perfect opportunity to try to stake her, and take Elena cousin necklace off. To be able to give said necklace to Elena as a gift of sorts. Since he thinks it's what Elena cousin would have wanted. Not knowing that Buffy had actually hated Elena.

But Kathrine being Kathrine was able to stop Damon before he was able to do either of those things.

"You really want the necklace don't you," the Pierce vampire deadpans

"It doesn't belong to you, it belong to Elena now," the older Salvatore brother fires back.

"No it doesn't," Kathrine stats

Damon tries for a second time to get it, but this time Katherine takes it off and throw it towards the open doorway, Knowing that Tweedledee and Tweedledum are officially here and waiting right outside the door.

Stefan attempts to get it before it leaves the room but he is not fast enough.

Luckily it doesn't hit the ground, instead a blonde male catches it.

Kathrine smirks knowing that Eric and Alec have officially come to join the party.

Now all she needs is Buffy to show up. Then the party would really begin, and her human doppelgänger will realize that she fucked up, when getting Buffy locked up.

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