Rose ✔️

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Buffy had fallen into a nice deep sleep, while Elijah was driving.

While sleeping ghost Kol was watching after her, even though he might not be able to do anything at that moment, but he can put them on a list to get revenge for when he gets undaggered.

"Kol I can basically feel you staring daggers at me, relax I'm not going to harm her," Elijah says out loud hoping his younger brother would listen to him.

Kol hear his older brother but he doesn't respond, not that Elijah knows this since he can't hear him.

Meanwhile Buffy phone that is on silent is flashing with different massages from different people. But mostly from the same person with the name mosquito puppy.

Mosquito puppy: B pick up

Mosquito puppy: come on B you promised to help me.

Mosquito puppy: I swear if somebody has gone off and killed you again and I have to wait another 25 year for your help, a town is going to lose all of its population.

Mosquito puppy: fine don't answer me see if I care.


Elena ends up being kidnapped and brought to an old abandoned house, since she's the doppelgänger.


Elijah drives up to the abandoned! house where Elena has been placed in thanks to her capture's.
Elijah looks over at Buffy who  is still sleeping, and decides to leave her in the car while he went to get the doppelgänger. In order to protect her from his younger brother Niklaus, not knowing that his younger brother already knows about the human doppelgänger.


As soon as Elijah left the car Buffy opened up one of her eyes to make sure the cost was clear.

Before sitting up and grabbing her cell phone, and looking at all of the messages the "mosquito puppy" has sent her.

So she decided to send him a few text messages as well, but before she did that she decided to add on to the problem for her older cousin. So she calls her younger cousin Jermey

"Hey this is Jeremy Gilbert I can't get to my phone right know, so leave a message at the beep," is what Buffy got when she called her younger cousin phone number

"Hey Jere-bear its Buffy, I know that I've been MIA for several months but just wanted to let you know that I'm alive and that I love you, call me back when you can bye," the blonde said into the phone leaving him a voicemail.

After leaving the voicemail she goes to text Mosquito puppy.

Buffster : sorry your older brother kinda kidnapped me.

Mosquito puppy: who told him about the doppelgänger?

Buffster : I don't know

Mosquito puppy : keep an eye on him

Buffster : If I do you'll give me Kol back right?

Mosquito puppy : I give you my word you'll get Kol back.


after a while of texting Nik. Another car pulls up to the abandoned house.

Buffy slide down her seat not wanting to be seen.

Much to the blonde surprise, the Salvatore brothers are the one who stepped out of the car.

"Probably here for Elena," the slayer muttered to herself.

"your more then likely right, darling," ghost Kol agrees with her.

"Of course I am Kol, she a doppelgänger and doppelgänger love to string along two brother," Buffy tells her love. Even thought he already knows this information.

"I know, love, I know," ghost Kol replied to the light of his life.


Inside the abandoned house, Elijah is fighting Stefan and Damon. Who are attempting to protect Elena from Elijah.

The Salvatore brothers end up staking Elijah in the heart with a regular piece of wood, killing him temporarily. Not that the Salvatore brothers new this they both thought that they had killed him.

Stefan, Damon and Elena leave the abandoned house. Leaving Elijah "dead" body behind.


Buffy watched as Stefan, Damon and Elena left the property.

"How much do you want to bet that they somehow taken your brother down?," Buffy asks Kol.

"I know better then to bet against you, love," ghost Kol tells her with a smirk on his handsome face.

So the blonde and the ghost sat in the car together waiting for Elijah.

After about a half an hour the blonde had received a text form a very excited Jeremy Gilbert.

Jere-Bear: your okay? Where are you I'll come pick you up.

Buffy: don't worry about where I am. I'm coming to Mystic falls soon. Love you.

Jere-bear: love you too


"How long does it take for Alec and Eric to find you, honestly where are they," ghost Kol questioned the love of his life. Who only shrugged her shoulders as a response.


A little while later Elijah walks back to his car, with a hole in his suit.

Once ghost Kol saw his brother he stared laughing at him, not that Elijah knows this.

"Dude, did you just get beaten up by two baby vamps," the slayer asks trying her best not to laugh.

Elijah just gave her a look that said "shut up."

"Shut up and drive," is the only thing Elijah said hoping into the passenger seat.

Meanwhile at the Gilbert household

"Buffy called," Jeremy told Jenna and Elena.

Both of the women look at Jeremy as if he crazy.

"Your cousin hasn't been seen nor heard from, for just over six months," Jenna replied to Jeremy.

So Jeremy does the only thing he can think to prove it. So he plays the voicemail Buffy had left for him.

After hearing and reading the message Jenna gets really excited, but Elena for some reason doesn't believe it.

Seeing as Kathrine has claimed to have killed Buffy.


Elijah, Buffy and ghost Kol head towards Mystic falls.


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