Chapter 11

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I took a step forward as I slightly leaned to her side to ask in a whisper "Do you... trust me?"

She gave me a confused look but smiled and replied "Offcourse I do or else I wouldn't be here with you, idiot."

"Then I need your bitbeast." I told her.

I glanced at  Dominic who was talking to someone on phone.

As I glanced back at her, she was looking at me confused but she smiled and started to reach to her pocket where she keeps her bey.

"Not now." I told her and she tilted her head to the right in confusion.

"I want you to get your brother and friends free while I handle this guy but before that, we will battle." I told her.

"What are you saying? If you want to handle him, why would 'we' battle? Be a little clear!" She whispered to me annoyed.

I sighed. I need to tell her everything if I want her bitbeast.

"This guy is the master mind of everything and his name is Dominic. I told you about those four bitbeasts right? Your bitbeast is the fourth one. The dragon of air element." I looked at her as she processed it. She was about to say something but I continued.

"These bitbeasts can't be controlled by anyone other than their wielders but I figured out that if the wielders wants it, it's possible. So I want you to give me the control of your bitbeast for now." I told her.

"No! That would get you in danger!" She said concerned.

"It won't. He has fused the power of both the bitbeasts forcefully with some device. I need to find the original bits and that device. For that, he'll be showing me the way. So till then, you go and free your brother and friends. I'll handle the things my way here. And don't tell anything to them for now." I explained her but she still appeared unconvinced.

I waited for her response but it never came. She continued to stand there quietly.

What's she thinking?

"Long time, Ryuga. Still stubborn, I see." I heard Dominic saying and turned to him.

"Quit the pleasantries and come to the point." I said annoyed.

He let out a laugh and continued "As short tempered as ever."

He's getting on my nerves.

"But anyways, I have some business with Ms. Tategami this time." He turned to her "So, shall we talk about what I have to offer?"

I looked at her as she glanced at me and then back at him saying "Sure."

I thought through all the possible things that can be done as he explained his plan to her and asked her to join in with him.

"Hmm.. let's see." She said in a tentative way.

And out of nowhere, she readied her launcher and bey, pointing it towards me.

I gave her a questioning look but the determination on her face didn't waver.

"I can't believe Ryuga that you would be involved with such a person! Especially the one, who captured my brother and friends!" She said in an angry and hurt tone.

"What are you-" she cut me off mid sentence saying "If you and your friend want my bitbeast, then you need to defeat me!" She said.

....she isn't refering to Dominic as my friend, it's L-Drago!

I smirked and readied my launcher. This girl has got my hea-

I felt the heat rising up my face but I just pushed that feeling aside. I'm going crazy!

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