Chapter 7

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Ryuga's POV

I immediately got on my guards as the bullet missed just by a chance. They are here?!

No no no.. this isn't right! Mahathi is here! It's dangerous for her! This stupid idiot girl just doesn't have a sense of time and place!

How does she manage to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time?! They are attacking with weapons this time, they ain't playing around.. he is getting more and more desperate for his plan..

I grabbed her hand and started running towards that abandoned house again. It won't be safe to be in the middle of the forest. They are hidden between bushes and trees and it will be difficult to detect them like this.

She would be better in there while I deal with these people.

As we were proceeding towards the clearing, God knows what got into that girl and she started pulling her hand away saying "Leave my hand! Just will you tell me what's going on?! Who the hell are these people?!"

"Stop acting like a kid? They are following us with guns! Is this a time to have a chat?!" I yelled at her. She's getting on my nerves now. Who asked her to get engaged in my business?! And she also have that chat with him!

Another bullet missed us as I pulled her out of the way.

"Just who are these people?!" She questioned again! That's it! This girl is annoying me too much!

"Will you shut up?! Or you want to have a chat amongst all this firing?!" I yelled at her annoyed.

She pouted but quieten down a bit as we finally reached to the clearing.

"Go inside and wait, just don't you dare come out until I say so!" I told her while readying my launcher but this girl has some serious issues as she also readied her launcher towards them.

"What do you think you are doing?!" I asked her.

"I am not a kid that I need to be protected by you! I can take care of myself very well!" She said confidently.

I sighed and decided to pay attention to those who were constantly attacking us.

I launched my bey and so did she. I must agree, that she is not half bad. She matched her power with me quite well.

Our attacks were effortlessly in sync as we diverted their attacks with our beyblades and attacked back at the people who were firing at us.

I must say, this girl is quite skilled and doesn't hold back at such situations. I thought that being with Gingka and his friends, she would hesitate in hurting others even if they have been attacking us first but she impressed me in this.

There were too many of them so it took us time to deal with them but soon we had got rid off them.

We sighed in relief and she again started looking at me, expecting an elaboration about the situation.

"Now, will you start spilling the beans? First that Yuta, then those messages and now this!" She queried demandingly.

"That has nothing to do with any of you! You got involved because I have been around. I'll be taking my leave now, so you need not worry anymore." I said and started to walk away.

"We got involved because of you! So you do owe us an explanation!" She demanded.

I was about to ask her to shut up but just then, my phone rang. I took it out from my pocket to see the number on the screen. It's him again!

"What now?" I asked, bringing the phone to my ear. From the other side, I heard him laughing maniacally.

"If you wanted someone to listen to your annoying laughter, ask one of your man. I don't have time to waste on you." I told him and was about to hang up, but then he spoke up "Forgot your friends?" And I froze.

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