4. Toxic

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You're happy with how your life had turned out to be. After years of suffering in the hands of a pathetic narcissistic jerk of an ex, after years of gathering courage to go against him and break loose, you can finally say you're content with your peaceful life without a man controlling you. It wasn't easy, it wasn't easy at all. These past years had fully opened your eyes and you realized just how much of an fool you were. 

Yes, you're stupid and you regretted being such a fool towards him. He's your first love but still, he took advantage of your eagerness to fall in love. Twisted everything, he made you believe that he loved you, made you believe that both of you were on an equal standing in that past broken relationship. Manipulated you to believe that he's all you need, that he's absolute, that's he's everything you need and nothing else. 

He made you believe he was the one and took you for granted. What's worse was that you let him drain you, all because you were clinging to him and the supposed love you both have for each other. Or was it supposed to be worded as 'love you have for him'? 

Nevermind, all that is in the past now, there's no use in dwelling with what happened, it only causes you pain and anger to even think of him.You wasted years of your life for such an egotistical bastard. Oh you wish you can forget him and his whole existence. Even if you try, no matter what, he will always be etched in your mind as an heartless monster who caused you so much suffering. 

Now you're ready to move on and meet new people once again, it took you years and years to get here and even some therapy sessions to heal from the mental scars he gave you. It wasn't easy but you're getting there, you felt safe knowing he won't know where you are as you moved countries just to be away from him. It made you feel at peace somehow knowing he won't be there to control everything. Besides it's been years since you've heard of him nor talked to him, not that you cared. 

Today, you're taking the first step to take back your happiness and possible your life. It's a big step but you want to conquer your fears head on. Things are different now and you're moving on. You're going to give your friend a chance, someone you know who will treat you right, someone you know will love you purely unlike the bastard. You know John, he's kind. You know that if you tried, there will be no harm done nor will you regret it. 

After so many thinking and deciding, you decided to go on a date with him at the nearby cafe that just opened a few weeks ago. It quickly grew popular with the homely vibrancy it gave and of course, the delicious drinks and delicacies. So you sat there together, talking with each other and the topic naturally flowed. You found yourself enjoying it, maybe because you feel at ease with him or you just had this chemistry you've been denying for so long. You feel free with him, you feel safe, you feel happy. 

You laughed when he cracked a particularly funny pun. Thinking about it, John and your ex is totally different, opposite you might say. John is kind and let you decide on your own, he respects you and treats you right. The other man? You don't even want to talk about it. 

"I'll excuse myself for a sec, gotta go to the restroom." John suddenly said, an apologetic look on his face. You just softly smiled and waved it off, letting him go. 

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you here." You said and he thanked you before going go the restroom. You sat there, sipping your drink when you heard someone enter the cafe, you didn't bother looking because it was none of your business and continued with your business, flipping the page of the book you brought. 

That cycle continued for what seemed like an half of an hour that you already finished half of what you're reading. You frowned, a familiar hollow feeling spreading itself on your heart, perhaps John had stood you up and already left. You shook your head, no he isn't like that, not at all. 

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