3. Dream watcher

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Where you catched an extraterrestrial being standing in your room.


When you were just a kid, you were told that you have a very imaginative mind. Not that you blame them, you think the same now that you're a grown up. 

You still remember that time where your mind managed to conjure up a very unbelievable and very Sci-Fi type of scenario. 

Some extraterrestrial being that lives in the star comes back to earth every night to watch people sleep. You call them Dream watcher as they watch you sleep and dream before going back to their home. 

Yeah creepy but still y'know, creative? 

You had long given up that idea since you entered High school which was years ago too. It means you barely remember it anymore. 

You're already living in a rural area, working on your own job, living your own life away from your parents. Oh well, it's no time for reminiscing old stupid embarassing memories. 

You sighed as you laid in your bed, turning your light off and stared at the ceiling. But what if those Dream watchers are true? Maybe, just maybe right? 

"Sheesh, just sleep already." You huffed before burying yourself further in your blanket and turned to your side towards the closed window. 

How will they even get inside your window or room anyways. 

With that, you closed your eyes and forced yourself to sleep, forgetting about the dream watchers altogether.


"Ooh my~! A horny pervert only dreams about this type of scenario. Hehehe…" You bursted awake by the mischievous cackling. What the heck?! There's a person inside your room! 

When you jolted awake, the person shrieked in fright too, shocked by the sudden awakening of the person in front of them. 

You hastily went to throw the nearest thing to you, your lamp towards the person but to your terror and hallucination, the lamp stopped all of the sudden. 

It just floated around in the air and settled back to where it's supposed to be. 

"What the fu-" You were about to try again when you suddenly slumped back in your bed. Damnit, what the heck is happening? It must've been by the strange person in front of you. 

Is this one of those creative and ultra realistic dreams? 

"Ah! You woke up!"  You realized that it's a person with Black hair and almost too bright eyes, pale skin and strange clothing. 

He almost looks like he's from another place or something. He seems shocked by you waking up too so he worked his strange magic and made you calm. 

"Damn that's not supposed to happen…" You heard him murmur and you're just frighteningly watching him in your bed. Are you going to be kidnapped by aliens? Be a science experiment? 

"Wh-who?" You stuttered, it couldn't be an alien right?! He looks too human and handsome to be one, it's just his strange clothing. 

"Me? I'm the fabulous and sexy dream watcher and I gotta say your dream tends to run a bit too weird at times." He posed and you almost cringed if not by a certain word. 

"D-dream watcher…So they're real?!"

"Gotcha!" He said, pointing his finger at you. You felt your heart stop, so they are real. Who could've guessed that your weird and creative musings can be true all along. 

"I've been watching you ever since you're a child and honestly? I'm shocked when you suddenly started dreaming of rather-" He approached you and you shivered when you met his eyes, it's Gold colored you realized. 

"Explicit things." He continued, a grin forming in his face. "Not that I mind.." 

You felt flustered at his words and the way he's so close to you. You couldn't move your body and you realized that you're being subjected to this man's strange magic. 

It was all too much to take in and honestly, if you fall asleep and wake up, you'll think you're only just dreaming. 

"I've been wanting to talk to you but these stupid rules just won't let me. Oh well! You're awake now, so why don't we have a lovely chat?"

One-shot || OC X READER || Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora