1.2 Soulmate

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An au where you and your soulmate share thoughts.

Late night squabbles

You refuse to sleep, or rather, you cannot sleep. It's one of those countless nights where you spend your whole night watching and reading. 

The contents of the things you watch depends on your mood. If you're feeling like a detective, you watch unsolved cases and documentaries. 

If you're feeling like a science geek, you want science stuff, mostly biology. If you feel like being a bookworm, you read. 

It's random really. 

So here you are, reading about some fanfiction about your latest hubby. You were giggling and blushing at the words you read while cuddling your pillow in your bed. 

It was your regular fluff fanfiction and you can't help but blush as you read it. It's already in the middle of the night and you doubt your soulmate was still awake at this time. Oh god you hope he isn't, you don't want him accidentally knowing what kind of stuff you're reading. 

'Too late, I already know dumbass.' Oof- unfortunately he is awake and knows about your late night hobbies, he's still the usual jerk you knew. 

'Why are you still awake?' You thought back and you honestly almost can hear him roll his eyes. 

'I could ask the same, please don't tell me you have another test tomorrow but you're too lazy to study?' His words are exasperated, you can hear it. 

Thank goodness you can somehow say things in your thoughts with the emotions and tones evident. 

'Nope! There's no test tomorrow or this week. Hopefully.' You responded as you closed your phone, now just lying in the bed staring at the ceiling. 

It's kind of rare talking with your soulmate like this, he usually only talks back when you're dying mentally. Today is one of those days where you're in your bed relaxing and talking to him. 

'Yeah, don't go screaming at me for help when you have a test.' He said and you frowned. Is this the only thing they know about you? 

'I won't, promise.' You said back but you somehow knew it would be another failed and empty promise but neither of you spoke about it. 

'By the way.' You wondered,'What's your name? You never told me.' 

It's true, he never told you any personal information despite being soulmates. It's either you didn't ask or he didn't want to share. 

'It's Alejandro.' 

'Like the Lady Gaga song?' 

'Please not you too.' You swear you heard him groan and facepalm. You laughed and grinned evilly, you will surely use this to annoy him. 

Maybe you can summon him by singing the song. Maybe this is why he didn't reveal his name the first time you heard each other's thoughts. 

'Don't you dare.'

'Ale-Ale-Alejandrooo~ Ale-Ale-Alejandrooo~' 

'STOP IT WOMAN.' Ah tonight's going to be a fun and chaotic night. 

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