1.3 Soulmate

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Au where you and your soulmate share thoughts yet again.

Reverse thoughts 

You were currently doing your project but you just can't concentrate. Even if your group mates are actually contributing and doing their work silently, you just can't. 

You can't help the blush appearing on your face as your soulmate's thoughts appear on your head again. You can't help but think of what kind of person would read such a thing when they know they're sharing thoughts with their soulmate. 

"Y/N, are you alright? You look so red." Your groupmate asked worriedly as she saw you flustered and unable to continue writing. 

You just shook your head, not uttering any word. You don't trust your voice, you might just groan or facepalm. 

"Oh, alright then. You can go home if you're not feeling well." She said with a kind smile, she looks worried and you feel grateful for her. Her soulmate would be so lucky to have her as a partner. 

Unlike you. Your soulmate's a literal pervert. 

'WHO EVEN READS HARDCORE SMUT?! HE'S SHAMELESS!' You screamed mentally, wanting to die as the wanton words are voiced inside your thoughts. 

It was too much, you can't handle it. Too detailed, too dangerous. Maybe you should really go home but your project is due tomorrow and you can't burden your classmates! 

'Her hand trailed down his chest, panting as she-' Nope!

You can't take it anymore. Screw school. You literally stood up and went to the nearest bathroom where you could scream yourself like a chimpanzee in rage. 

You ignored your classmates who shouted in surprise and alarm. 

"You son of a bitch! Stop reading smut! I'm trying to do my project here and you're reading shit like that?! You fucking shitty leprecha-" you started to scream, hoping he would stop reading that unholy thing. 

Hoping he heard your pleas of mercy and anger, hoping he would leave you in peace. If not, you're going to fucking die.

He's got too many worms in his brain, it just can't be cleansed anymore. There's no hope for him. 

Thankfully he seemed to listen as the lewd words stopped echoing in your brain.You sighed as you finally had your peace. 

'Why am I reading stuff like this?' You heard him answer and you held a shaky sigh of anger. 

"Yes, can you please kindly tell me why? You're a pervert." 

You heard him laugh and you blushed, utterly shameless. 

'I'm just reading smut so I know what to do when we do the dee-'


You're going to strangle him as soon as you see him. 

One-shot || OC X READER || Book 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin