"Turn it on and get it connected."

"With what hands dumbass?" Stiles asked, referencing the girl in his arms.

"Oh for fucks sake." Peter grumbled, taking the girl from an angry Stiles who attempted to argue the switchover as Peter put her in the backseat of his dead nurses' car. "Now shut up and get it connected." Peter instructed as he handed Stiles the device.

"You're really killing the whole werewolf mystique, you know." Stiles told the older man as the connection went from red to green. "You're still going to need Scott's username and password. And sorry, but I don't know them."

"You know both." Peter deadpanned.

"No. I don't." Stiles argued.

"Even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat, I'd still be able to tell you're lying."

"Dude. I swear I-"

Peter grabbed the back of Stiles' neck, effectively cutting him off before guiding his head closer to him so that he can be heard clearly in his ear. "I can be very persuasive, Stiles. Don't make me have to persuade you."

Stiles nodded, frightened, moving to type on the keyboard, desperately trying to stop his hands from shaking. Catching a glimpse of Lottie's hair he took a deep breath and the shakes disappeared.

"What happens when you find Derek?" Stiles asked as the 'WHERE'S MY PHONE PRO' application came up on the screen, pausing to try and get some control back to a situation that was spiralling.

"Don't think, Stiles. Just type."

"You're going to kill people, aren't you?"

"Only the responsible ones." Peter mused, smiling lightly at the thought of it.

"If I do this, will you leave Scott out of it?"

"Do you know why wolves hunt in packs? Because their favoured prey are too large to be brought down by one wolf alone. I need Derek and Scott. Both of them." Peter explained.

"He's not going to help you."

"He will if it saves Allison. And you're going to help me, because it'll save Scott. And you don't want me to kill your girlfriend."

"She's not- What do you mean?" Stiles asked.

"When they catch him, you really think they're going to let him live? Especially after having been that close to one of their own? All the power is in your hands now. It's your choice. Are you going to save his life? Your best friend, whom you know so well, you even have his username and password."

Stiles reluctantly began to type the username and password into the app, glancing at Lottie every few seconds.

"His username is Allison?" Peter asked, annoyed. "His password is also Allison?" Shaking his head in disbelief at the stupidity of the boy.

"Still want him in your pack?" Stiles asked sarcastically back at the man.

Watching the GPS load slowly, Stiles walked round to the opened door where Lottie lay. Resting his hand against her forehead and checking her pulse he sighed in relief.

"She's not gonna die. Stop stressing before you have an aneurysm. It's stressing me out." Peter sassed as Stiles walked back to the computer screen.

"That's where they're keeping him? At his own house?" Stiles asked.

"Not at it. Under it." Peter replied, shaking his head.

"What's under it?" Stiles questioned.

"The tunnel and basement I used to escape during the fire. I know exactly where it is." Peter started, stopping as a howl caught his ear and his head snapped to the side. "And I'm not the only one."

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