
Dean is on the laptop and sitting at the table. Sam is lying on one of the beds and reading books. Miranda is sitting on the bed and also reading. Carly is asleep, a light blanket draped over her. Sam sits up, staring at the book he currently has.

"I'm telling you, both these vics are squeaky clean. There is no reason for a wicked bitch payback." Dean says.

"Maybe cause it's not about that." Sam says. The two look at him.

"Wow, insightful." Dean says.

"Maybe this witch isn't working the grudge, maybe they're working a spell. Check this out." Sam says. ""Three blood sacrifices over three days -- the last before midnight on the final day of the final harvest. Celtic Calendar, the final day of the final harvest is October 31st."" He reads.

"Halloween." Dean says as Sam gives him the book.

"Exactly." Sam says.

"What exactly are the, uh, blood sacrifices for?" Dean asks.

"Uh, if I'm right, this witch is summoning a demon, and not just any demon -- Samhain." Sam says.

"What?" Miranda asks.

"Mm-hmm." Sam nods.

"Am I supposed to be impressed?" Dean asks.

"Dean, Samhain is the damn origin of Halloween." Sam states. "The Celtics believed that October 31st was the one night of the year when the veil was the thinnest between the living and the dead, and it was Samhain's night. I mean, masks were put on to hide from him, sweets left on doorsteps to appease him, faces carved into pumpkins to worship him. He was exorcised centuries ago."

"So even though Samhain took a trip downstairs, the tradition stuck." Dean says.

"Exactly, only now instead of demons and blood orgies, Halloween is all about kids, candy, and costumes." Sam says.

"Okay, so some witch wants to raise Samhain and take back the night?" Dean asks.

"Dean, this is serious." Sam says.

"I am serious." Dean argues.

"We're talking heavyweight witchcraft. This ritual can only be performed every 600 years." Sam says.

"And the 600 year marker rolls around...?"

"Tomorrow night."


"Well, it sure is a lot of death and destruction for one demon." Dean says.

"That's because he likes company. Once he's raised, Samhain can do some raising of his own." Sam says.

"Raising what, exactly?" Dean asks.

"Dark, evil shit, and lots of it. I mean, they follow him around like the fucking Pied Piper." Sam says.

"So we're talking ghosts."






"Those little dudes are scary. Small hands."

"Look, it just starts with ghosts and ghouls, this sucker keeps on going, by night's end, we are talking every awful thing we have ever seen. Everything we fight all in one place." Sam says.

"It's gonna be a slaughterhouse." Dean says.


Dean gets back to the motel.

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