I choked on my drink. Bessy sat smiling at me as my throat burned from when the liquid passed a different route.

"It's," deep breath, "Nothing like," cough, "that, okay? We're just two friends going to have fun."

"So you wouldn't mind inviting the rest of her friends so it can be a group outing?"

I groaned because I knew she wouldn't let the topic go. That was how I spent my morning conversing with Mrs Bessy before Penelope interrupted us with her yawning and stretching.

"My granddaughter is such a lazy morning person don't you think Daniel? Look at her dragging her feet on my floor."

I raised my cup, "I second that thought Bessy."

"While you guys were having a bonding time or whatever you were doing I was taking a well deserved rest. I'm already late for school so I might as well just head to the diner and take a shift," she placed her hands on her hips, "And why didn't you wake me up Nonna?"

"Because I didn't want you to go to school today. You need a break, go and pamper yourself, I'll sponsor it. I want you looking your best for—"

I banged the table loudly, both of their eyes snapped to mine immediately. "Uhh this is really good, strong wood. What's that? Mahogany? Good stuff."

"No dear. It's oak. Which reminds me of that time I went camping with my husband."

I've learned two things about Mrs Bessy. The first is she's easily distracted and the second is she is not very discreet. She nearly exposed my secret date plan to Penelope. Can't a guy have a little win?

Penelope gave me a look to which I shrugged at. "So are you taking the bus to your apartment or Mr Richardson is coming for you?"

"I think taking the bus is better. If he came home around dawn he must either still be sleeping or too tired to drive."

"I always tell him to stop overworking himself—"

Penny kissed her on the cheek to silence her incoming rant. "It's okay Nonna. Let's just enjoy the morning."

I later escorted Bessy to her room after she started complaining about her joints. She looked fine to me. My guess is she was trying to leave Penny and I alone.

"Don't mind my Nonna. She can be chatty in the morning, especially when she has a cup of tea in hand. She's literally the personified version of that saying "spill the tea."

"I don't mind. Well, I should get going now."

"Oh. Okay. I'll see you by five?"

"Do you miss me already? Just say you don't want me to go, my little Pen Pen."

She rolled her eyes. "That's the worst nickname ever."

"I like it. I will dub thee little Pen Pen from today onwards."

"Just go before you miss the bus. Make any mistake and you'll find yourself riding the amusement rides all by yourself."

I gasped, "You should really start acting interested if you don't want me to get the wrong message."


"Okay okay," I laughed. "Tough love."


I took another nap when I arrived home. It's weird how easily I can call Mr Richardson's apartment home. It reminds me that home is a place where you feel safest and have people who care about you.

After taking permission from Richardson to go out with Penelope I used the remainder of the day to get ready. The first thing I did was head to the thrift store down the street to buy a new pair of jeans and a nice hoodie because of the weather in the evening. I didn't buy shoes like I wanted since it was too expensive to risk spending my money unnecessarily. My old sneakers will have to do for now. I'll clean it up really well.

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