Chapter 20

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The morning weather the next day was chilly

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The morning weather the next day was chilly. Although the sun had risen, the clouds shadowed it while the due transformed into humid air. Bessy sat in front of me with a cup of tea in hand, she took small sips and urged me to drink my cup of cocoa. I had woken up to the aroma of the hot chocolate drink wafting through the air.

"How was the youth fellowship yesterday?" She asked.

"It was good. I met a lot of nice people and learned many things. How's your feet?"

"I'm managing. You know I'm thinking of throwing a celebration for your new life in Christ, let's call it that. Maybe not a huge one. I can invite friends of Penelope, you and Richardson and we'll have a big feast here. What do you think?"

"Uhh I don't think it's necessary."

"Now you sound like Richardson," she said. "About your work..."

"I know I didn't come to work for the past three days, and I am sorry about that. I've been caught up in my own life. I'll take extra hours to make up for the lost time."

"That's okay. And besides, how will you take Penny to that amusement park if you're stuck here working for me?" she grinned at me and dropped an envelope on the table separating us.

"What's this?" I picked it up.

"Your paycheck. I believe it's been a week now and Richardson and I discussed weekly payments."

Inside the envelope was more than I was expecting. "I can't accept this much, please. I barely did any serious work and you're paying me this much. guys need it more I'm sure."

"Hush up, I want to give you that payment. Ever since you came my Penny has been different and the house feels livelier. Take this, buy whatever you want, take Penny out. Remember you're still a kid and you mustn't let these good days pass."

"Wait," I looked at her, "I don't remember telling you about the amusement park plan."

"You didn't?" Bessy chuckled lightly, "Call it granny powers."

"No way, I want an explanation. How did you know huh? You're more sneaky than I thought Bessy. I have to be careful around you and your powers," I joked.

"Well you and Penny weren't being silent either with your laughing and talking. It's a small house and we're not many. Haven't you heard that the walls have ears?"

"The only ear the walls have are the ones you put on it when you are listening," I took a sip of my drink. "This is really delicious."

"Thank you. And besides I'm an old lady, you can't hide these things from me. You call it a fun outing, I call it a date. It doesn't need to be complicated."

"It's not like that. Penelope and I don't need that kind of label in our lives. There are many things I have to think about now."

"So you don't like my grandbaby?"

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