Chapter 11

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"Did he answer the call?" Micheal asked. Tobias shook his head and tucked his phone in his trouser as he liked to do it.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted him," Carlos sneered. The trio stood in an alley waiting for their companions to come. The single door in front of them reminded them of the task they had at hand.

"Trust?" Tobias laughed. "I'm not stupid Carlos," he pointed at his head. "No, what I am is smart. That kid is going to be our bait to the biggest spot we've not been able to hit for months now."

"You don't mean..."

"Yes. We'll raid the coast and little Danny will have to take the fall."

Carlos shook his head. "It's not going to work. He's too weak, too unstable and has no idea about what we do. And besides it seems he's done with us."

"I agree with Carlos for once. It's too risky to involve him and what if it doesn't work? What if he doesn't take the blame, then we all go down. I'm not ready to join Juan in prison, man."

Tobias pushed Micheal against the wall and pulled out the pistol in his pocket, aiming it at his head. Tobias was livid. "Don't mention his name without respect! Juan was our leader, he protected us, he sold himself out for us, he gave us the life we have now. I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your face right now for that so you best watch your darn mouth."

Carlos pushed Tobias away from Micheal. "Watch yourself! Are you mad?"

"We do this for Juan. He put himself on the line for this last mission so we have to make sure it's successful and Daniel is the key."

"Juan put himself on the line so you want to risk ours again?! You better have one heck of a plan bro, otherwise I'm out," Michael said.

"I'll think of something... We'll think of something but we need to make sure Daniel isn't out of our grasp that way we can rest assured of no harm coming to us."

"And how do we do that?"

"If he won't be with us willingly then we have to do some digging," Tobias said, deep in thought.


"Yes. Sammy is good at digging for dirt. We'll have to give Daniel a reason to comply. He'll have to be there with us at the perfect time to take the blame."

"You're insane," Carlos said. "Even if we find something, do you think it's enough for blackmail? Your plan has a lot of loopholes, it's not making sense. Look, we're better off dealing with the leftovers. Do you know what attacking the coasts will do to us? Not only will the police come for us, their whole gang will be on our tail."

"It's worth a shot," Tobias smirked sinisterly. "Trust me. You guys should just get ready, I have everything under control."

There was a rapt knock on the door which disrupted their whispers. It opened slightly and an arm came out holding a pack of white powder, the owner hid the rest of his body behind the door. "Ten thousand by Tuesday. Thirty five percent is yours," a deep male voice from behind the door said.

"We discussed fifty fifty," Tobias said. "Thirty five is too small for all the hard work we do for you guys!"

"Thirty five percent is yours and you don't get to have a problem with us," the person said angrily. "Or I find more willing rookies."

Michael snatched the pack and placed it in his bag. Tobias and Carlos walked behind him. He stopped and turned to face them. "I've had enough of scraps, you better have a solid plan Tobs. I'm in."

The two focused their attention on Carlos who chewed on his lips in thought. He remembered the day Juan and the rest of their friends tried to raid the coast to get their shipments. It was supposed to be their ticket to a better life but ended badly. They were caught and everyone scattered, it was insane and the most dangerous thing they ever did. At the end Juan took the fall so the team could escape. He stayed back and the coast caught him and turned him in to the police officers.

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