He scoops coconut for Layla into a bowl. "What about you, Grayson?"

"No, thanks."

Kade shrugs. "Okay. Suit yourself."

"He's probably too scared to eat it because he's worried about his physique. I must imagine it's hard to keep those abs."

"—It's actually not that hard—"

"—When did you see his abs?—"

Kade and I speak simultaneously, stop, and then laugh together—Layla's cheeks flame.

"Okay, Layla," Kade says in a high-pitched tone, shooting her a look.

Layla shakes her head. "No."

We finish up and head to Kade's room. He plays us the guitar again, and I notice when Layla yawns.

"Sleepy?" I ask her, sitting next to her on Kade's bed.

She nods. "Do you think you could drive me home now?"

"It's late. Why don't you stay?"

She lets out a breath. "Fine," she agrees. "Only because I'm so tired."

"I'll show you to one of our guest rooms," Kade says, setting his guitar down.

"It's fine, Kade." I pause. "She can stay with me."

Kade stops, a stupid grin taking over his face. "Oh."

I roll my eyes and stand up. "Come on, Layla."

Layla gets up, and I slip my hand in hers, guiding her out of Kade's room.

"Hey, guys?" Kade stops us. "Just so you know, I get it. It's a big house, but please understand that the walls are thin."

"Oh my god," Layla groans, covering her face with her free hand. "You're gross."

I flip him the bird before shutting his door. The room I'm staying in is beside Kade's, so we don't have to wander the house too much.

I close the door behind us, and I walk us over to the bed with Layla's warm hand in mine. "We'll talk about everything in the morning, okay?"

She nods, yawning.

I let her go and set my bag on the bed to grab her some clothes to sleep in. I pull out one of my T-shirts and a pair of sweatpants.

"Thanks," she says as I hand her them.

"Bathroom's over there."

She nods and walks over to the bathroom, the door softly clicking shut as she steps inside.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and sit on the bed. David answers after a few rings.

"Hey, David. Sorry, I know it's late."

"Hi, Grayson. Don't worry. I'm still wide awake. What's going on?"

"Uh ... I thought I'd let you know that Layla is with me tonight and that she's okay."

"Ah. Thank you for letting me know. I did think it was odd she was with Camila when I hadn't heard about her for weeks. Well ... anyway, take good care of her, Gray."

"I will. Goodnight."


I hang up when Layla opens the bathroom door, hesitating in the doorway, wearing nothing but my T-shirt.

Dear god.

"Um ... the sweats were too big for me," she says quietly.

I swallow. Fuck. "Oh. Do you want shorts or something?"

She shakes her head. "No, it's fine. It's long enough anyway."

I nod and clear my throat, my heart beating too fast. I pull the covers back as she makes her way over. I watch as she softly sets the sweats down on my bag, a hesitant look in her eyes.

"Lie down."

She walks to the other side of the bed and slips under the covers. I join her. Behave, Gray.

"How was your day?" I ask, facing her.

She's on her back, staring at the roof. "It was fine. Tiring. I helped my mom with wedding stuff all day, and then in the evening, Iris wanted me to go to their house in the city to help her clean out their garage."

I reach out and tuck her hair behind her ear.

She looks at me. "What about you?"

"I did nothing," I smile.

She smiles back. "Doing nothing is nice sometimes."

I sigh. "Sometimes. Lights out?" Before I initiate something which I know I shouldn't.

She closes her sleepy eyes. "Yes, please."

I get up and flick the lights off.

Layla nestles into my chest as I slip under the covers again. "I think Hale misses you," she murmurs. "I think he feels bad about telling you to leave."

"Does he?"

She looks up at me with her sleepy eyes for a moment before she kisses me softly. "I miss you, Gray," she whispers, brushing her nose against mine.

"I miss you too, Layla."

When she kisses me again, I know something has changed in that brain of hers because she's kissing me like she's hungry, her breathing heavy and fast. And when her hand slips underneath my shirt, I know exactly what she's implying. I'm just unsure if this is really what she wants.

"Layla," I say, pulling away from her even though I don't want to. But I need to make sure that she genuinely wants this. "Are you sure?"

She stops, looking at my lips and then back at my eyes. She shakes her head slightly in the dark, casting her gaze down. "No. I'm sorry."

I graze my thumb over her jaw, kissing her cheek. "Don't be sorry. Never be sorry for that."

She nods, moving back to rest her head on my shoulder. I hug her tight.

"You're perfect. Just the way you are. Don't ever think you have to do it with me because it's what I want."

"Is it ... what you want?"

I exhale a laugh. "Of course. But that doesn't matter. It only matters when you're ready, okay?"

"Okay, Gray," she says softly. "You're awesome."

Nothing about me is awesome. She needs to understand that I'd wait centuries for her. It feels like I already have.

After a few moments, I fall asleep with Layla in my arms. I think I fall asleep smiling.

(Enjoy ! 😌💗 this was another fun/cute chapter. Remember to vote if you're enjoying! And thank you for 7k reads! I'm so grateful and would love to hear any thoughts you have about the story. Happy reading!)

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