
Somewhere below the surface in a dank old basement a few miles away was the location of a tied up Derek. Derek, who was currently being tortured by none other than Kate Argent.

"Come on, he killed your sister. Either you're not telling me because you want to kill him yourself..." Kate rummaged through Derek's jacket, pulling out his phone and his wallet. "Or for some twisted reason, you're protecting him." Derek lifted his head weakly as his arms pulled from where he'd been strung up.

Kate pulled out Derek's driver's licence, smirking at the picture of a younger Derek scowling at the camera. "​​Look at that sour face. I bet you used to get a lot of people coming up to you saying 'smile. Derek, why don't you smile more often?' Don't you want to just punch those people in the throat?" She asked.

"I can think of one person." Derek spat out, looking at Kate in disgust.

"Promise? Because if you're going to be that much fun, I'll let you go and have at it." Kate asked teasingly. Picking up his phone, scrolling through, finding nothing that took her interest. "Nothing, nothing, nothing. I hate this detective crap. I want the Alpha or the Beta. Just give me one or the other."

"Are you going to torture me or talk me to death?"

"I don't want to torture you. I want to catch up. Remember-" Kate cut off as Derek's phone rang. A picture of Lottie that she'd sneakily taken popped up with the name 'Tiny' flashing across the screen. Kate grinned evilly. "Now this is interesting."

Derek's eyes flashed with worry. Whilst he hated everyone, he hated her a lot less, he'd considered her a friend. Not that he'd ever tell her that - she'd enjoy it too much. Unfortunately, Kate caught his look.

"Hmmm. I wonder what this little brat has to say. Shall we have a listen?" Kate asked as the phone rang out and a voicemail flashed on the screen. Placing the phone on speaker, she held it in front of Derek.

"Hey Toto. I'm annoyed at you. You're not picking up and Scott said you ran out into a hellfire of bullets. You're a fucking idiot. I don't know why you're acting grumpier than usual but snap out of it okay? None of us know where you are although I have an idea of who you're with and if she's listening 'Kate? You're a class A bitch that needs to get laid, fuck off and let me talk to my friend.' Anyway I mis-" Kate cut off the call, furious at the girl. Not only for guessing it was her leading the hunt, but also the fact she insulted her. Derek let out a little laugh, amused and impressed by the balls the girl had. Kate inhaled deeply, before smirking at Derek.

"If only she knew. All the crazy hot sex we had." Kate smirked as Derek tried to hide a gag at the memory. "Remember all the fun times we had?"

"What, like you burning my family alive?" Derek retorted sarcastically.

"I was referring to the sex marathons we used to have. But the fire thing? That was pretty fun too." Kate smiled wistfully as Derek pulled against his restraints, furious. "God, I love how much you hate me."

She leant forward aiming to grab him by the belt and torture him mentally but her hands stopped mid-air as his phone began to ring again. Tiny.

"God does this bitch ever stop?" Kate fumed as her partner walked in carrying a taser. That's one thing Kate would one day learn. Lottie would never give up. Not on her friends.


Walking up to Jackson's locker she grinned as she saw Scott and Stiles bombarding him.

"You want me to take her to the formal?" Jackson asked, confused.

"I don't want you to. I need you to." Scott instructed.

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