Hold on

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Heartbeat chapter 28- Hold on

Two hours later I'm already sick of my stomach when I see the Chief and the general surgeon chief walking to us, both of them with concerned faces.

- Ryan, Miss Shelton is alive, but still in critical condition. The appendix burst and threw pus and feces into the abdominal cavity and into the wall of part of the intestine, where we found a point of necrosis. We've removed the necrotic tissue and washed the peritoneum with antibiotics, but it's still septic shock. We are treating the low pressure and keeping the IV antibiotics, but we will maintain the intubation for the next 48 hours so that the brain recovers while the rest of the organism fights against the infection.

- Can we see her?

- Soon, but she's going to be in contact isolation, so you and her parents can make turns to be with her. Someone will beep you.

I nod, still dead worried.

- How about us, Sir? - Joe asks the chief.

- You guys are not family, I'm sorry, besides you have work to do.

- What? Are you fucking serious? Our best friend can not survive this day and you not only not allow us to visit her but expect us to work like nothing is happening? - Selena says and I think Taylor gets up to tell her to shut up, but I get surprised:

- Chief, with all the respect, what's the point in focusing on our training all day, even when our friend is alone in an ICU, when we become less human, incapable to recognize the importance of our feelings? If you are worried about the hours, we all can do extra turns later, the five of us when she gets better, but I'm not risking a patient's life when my head is with another patient. I'm respectfully skipping work for the next 48 hours to pray for my friend and I believe all my colleagues are doing the same.

The boys seems as surprised as me, and I see a large vein on the Chief's head, but he sighs.

- Fine, the four of you are free for the next 48 hours. And you can go visit her, but please be careful. I hate interns near ICU...- he mumbles and goes away, the surgeon following him close.

As soon as they disappear, I start to laugh and applaud, scaring my interns.

- Selena, congrats for the braveness, this is the first time someone confronts the Chief. And Taylor, you were just brilliant, you taught at least ten lessons to him at once.

- Thanks sir.

- You guys can call me Ryan. I'm not being your resident here, in this cold waiting room.

- Fine, Ryan.- she gives me a small smile. - Are you taking the next 48 hours to be here with her?

- More than that. I'm taking the next couple weeks off to help her. Even though her parents will be here she's going to need lots of help because of the leg. I just have to tell him now. Thank God when you are in the fifth year they give you more flexibility and I have more hours than I need. Can you guys stay here while I find him?

- Course, man, we are staying here in case her parents arrive.- Jack says and I thank them before getting up.

I walk to the Chief's office kinda afraid. Not that the hospital has some rule against dating coworkers but I not only revealed it in the middle of the ER but I'm about to beg him to give me two weeks free right after spending the whole week in the conference. I'm counting on the extra hours I have from covering my colleague's shift.

- Excuse me, Sir. Sorry for interrupting your work. - I say after knocking the open door.

- You can sit, Dr. Tremblay. How can I help you?

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