They got no idea about me and you

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Heartbeats chapter 14- They got no idea about me and you

Selena's POV

I'm outside Blake's apartment, waiting for her to answer the ringbell.

We have another Ryan Session today, but this one is going to be difficult for Blake. She told me yesterday about their talk at the  hospital, right before the chaotic lack of electricity. They decided to ignore their attraction, which is bullshit in my opinion. I just know they are adding fuel to the fire, and I'm afraid this is not going to end well.

– Hi!– Blake hugs me quickly and we head to her car. She takes a deep breath and I turn to her with a kind look.

– Hey, it’s just a clinic session, you are both professional and soon you’ll forget him.– I lie to comfort her, because I don't think either of them will forget seeing each other everyday.

– I'm going to try, but it isn't easy. The way he looked at me and told me, in pain, that we shouldn't be together… it was like he was telling me If we weren't from the same surgical program we would be together ages ago. It's weird because it's not love, we are not falling for each other, but it's a sick amount of attraction. I could hear his heartbeats. He was using all his self control and I was too. I honestly can't name a single ex that made me feel this attracted before.

Hearing her saying she's not falling and right after telling me she never has been this attracted before almost makes me laugh out loud. It's pretty obvious for me she already is in love with our resident, but I'm not going to enter this argument for now. I decided, instead, to change the subject.

– Hey, did you read the new article our chief published about childhood cancer genes?

Taylor’s POV

– Ready to go?– I ask Joe as I enter his car.

– Yep. Let’s pretend to be just friends. – He smirks and I can’t hide my smile.

– I hope your acting skills are better than mine. – I chuckle and gasp a little when he rubs his free hand over my knee.

He quickly sends a romantic glance at me and my cheeks burn, but I put my hand over his and entwine our fingers. He has nice warm hands and this simple contact makes me want to kiss him again. My mom was right, everybody deserves love and being loved.

About that, I have to tell mom, and I'm planning on doing it in a couple days on thanksgiving. I'm not going home unfortunately, but of course I'm calling her and I'm even thinking about inviting Jack, Joe and the girls to my apartment. We have lots of reasons to celebrate this year.

– What is this pretty little head thinking of, Tay?– Joe asks me in a careful tone.

– I think I'm going to throw a thanksgiving dinner for the five of us.

– I'd love to go, T. I don't have a family to spend this day with after all, so it's a great opportunity to have dinner  and enough leftovers for the whole week.

I laugh and shake my head.

– I'm sorry about your family, Joe, but now you have a new family. Me, your dog, my cat, Selena, Blake and Jack. We are all family.

I can see his eyes full of tears but he doesn't look at me, instead gives me a small smile without looking directly in my eyes.

Family is a complicated topic to Joe and I don't blame him. Other day I heard him commenting with Jack about how they forced the boy to throw an engagement party last week, with the marriage at some point next month. Those two are completely crazy dudes, and in his place I would've cut the bonds too. I mean, I did this with my father.

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