Black out

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AN: Guys, I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday. I'll do my best to update every Saturday and Wednesday, and damn... I love today's chapter and even more the chapter I'll be posting this Saturday. I'm so proud of this book... I'm so glad you are with me even after changing the characters' surnames...

In case you guys don't memorize yet, these are the new surnames of the biggest 5:
Taylor Carter, Joe Thompson, Jack Smith, Blake Shelton and Selena Quintanilla
Oh, and Ryan now is Dr Ryan Tremblay.
Have fun reading!!

Heartbeats chapter 11- Black out 


November 2nd

Selena's POV 

Do you, dear reader, believe in foreboding?  

I do, and mine is telling me my day is going to be a nightmare simply because there's a storm coming. I hate storms. They remind me of the worst day of my life. 

I walk to the hospital and go straight to dressing room. 

– Hey everyone! – They answer me but I know there's something going on with Joe and Taylor. They answered me but they are looking in opposite directions. 

Immediately I exchange a look with Jack and he smiles at me, letting me know he's thinking the same. We talk in the party about them while they are dancing. It's so clear they are in love it's annoying.   I'm about to whisper something with him when Dr Tremblay arrives. 

– Hey guys. Glad to see you survive the hangover. Let 's go then. Dr Shelton, you are with me in a Y of roux bypass in a couple of hours. Pre-op in room 3245. 

– Okay Sir.– she says and I smile when I see her cheeks turning pink. Those two will be together soon or my name isn't  Selena Quintanilla. 

– Dr Smith, you're in neurosurgery today with Miss Quintanilla.  Dr Moore canceled his schedule today due to a Flu. So you two meet Dr Daven in room 3123 in a half hour. 

I look at him and smile because spending the day together will give us time to talk about those stubborns. 

– Dr Thompson, you're in Pediatric surgery today. The new attendant Dr Sander is waiting for you at the Pediatric nurse station. 

– Right, Dr.– He answers, kinda distracted. What the hell is going on? I need to know why he and Taylor are avoiding everyone…

– And finally, Dr Carter you are in General surgery today with Dr Pierce. Room 3421. 

– Okay, thanks! – She leaves the room, almost hitting the door. 

Dr Reynolds raises an eyebrow at us and laughs but does not say anything, walking away and leaving us alone. 

– What the hell is going on with Taylor and Joe?– I ask him. I never in my life saw Taylor this distracted. 

– I don't know about her, but maybe he finally realized he's falling for her. We saw those two dancing, his eyes… you know it's love. And he knows too, he's just too proud to say it out loud unless he knows she likes him too. 

I nod. 

– She's in love too. She was all jealous when she saw Joe dancing with that nurse. 

Jack laugh. 

– We should make a plan to force those two to spill the truth.

– For real. Now it's better we go, Dr Daven is a genius but doesn't tolerate late people.– I say as a matter of fact because I've been working on neuro the last 2 weeks. 

Heartbeat Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora