"Uhm...okay, then, I-I'll be back, 'Pollo," Percy said, getting up from his seat.

Apollo nodded, looking away. Poseidon put his arm on Percy's shoulder and led him toward the woods.

"So, how are you?" Poseidon asked.

"I-I'm great," Percy said, watching Apollo out of the corner of his eye.

"Really? So I don't have to threaten Apollo or anything?" He sounded disappointed.

Percy snorted.

"Quite the opposite, to be honest. He's amazing," Percy said, sighing happily.

"Oh, and you were right. What you said yesterday. It will get better."

Poseidon smiled.

"Good to know you understand," Poseidon said, squeezing Percy's arm.

"Don't worry, I'll leave you and your boyfriend alone now," He added, chuckling as he saw Apollo's impatience.

"O-okay," Percy said, his blush still on his face.

Poseidon smiled at him before flashing out. Percy ran toward Apollo and sat down, laying down completely.

"Ugh, that was the most awkward conversation I've ever had, and that's saying something, considering Chiron's speech skills," Percy said, closing his eyes.

Apollo laughed, laying down next to Percy.

"That centaur really needs some tact," Apollo mused, chuckling softly.

"You have no idea."

Percy opened his eyes, watching the sea ripple with waves. The sky was getting darker.

"Wha' time 's it?" Percy asked Apollo tiredly.

"I think late enough that dinner is in a few minutes," Apollo responded. He was concerned for Percy as he hadn't eaten anything for a full two days now.

"Come on, Percy, get up, we're going to the dining pavilion," Apollo said, getting to his feet.

"Oh shit, last time you came with me, they weren't even sure we were dating and we fucking kissed, Aphrodite's kids won't let this go, ugh..."

Apollo laughed and helped Percy up to his feet. Percy sighed uneasily as campers began muttering. He sat down at the Poseidon table, and Apollo sat next to him.

While Percy ate, Apollo summoned some ambrosia and nectar. Campers whispered, looking at them. Apollo could feel how tense Percy was. He knew that Percy never liked attention, and everybody was gossiping.

Percy quickly finished his meal and got up, Apollo following next to him. Percy was tense until they entered his cabin. He let out a sigh of relief and collapsed onto his bed.

"Aphrodite shouldn't have kids," Percy said, muffled by the blanket.

Apollo rolled his eyes but nodded. Percy got up and sighed tiredly. Apollo hugged him and Percy hugged back tightly, happy and tired. They let go slightly, enough to be able to kiss.

Percy pulled away to breathe. Apollo smirked slightly and ruffled his hair. Suddenly, there were shouts coming from outside. Percy ran out, uncapping Riptide.

"Nico!" He yelled, seeing the pale son of Hades.

He seemed okay, even great. He didn't have a scratch on him and he was standing confusedly as people surrounded him.

"CAMPERS, BACK OFF!" Percy yelled, and the campers moved away immediately. Percy rushed forward.

"Nico! Nico, are you okay?!" Percy asked quickly, eyeing the boy for injuries. He found none and hugged him, despite Nico's squeak of protest.

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