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I pulled the polish across my fresh nails. Having asked Wren to bring me my nail varnish remover and polish up the second I knew Zane was in the guys' hands and that he was on his way to me, alive. Leo was next door pissed on the Whiskey the guys had been making him drink before he had the home made operation on a coffee table. He's fine. They said. A few months recovery and he'll be right as rain. I've had worse. He'd said, pulling on my arm until he could kiss me. There was too much going on for me to tell him what I'd done. He could hear about it tomorrow.

Right now, though, I was sat in a barely lit room. The light swinging slightly as the air moved with the 3 people hanging from the rafters. Heavy breathing through the ties around there mouth, keeping them quiet. 2 loud knocks echoed on the door and I could breath.

"Come in." The door pulled open and I didn't even look up, using the edge of one nail to tidy up my dark red polish.

"Where do you want him?"

"Facing them." I screwed the lid back onto the polish, blowing on my nails slowly. There wasn't any rush. He wasn't going anywhere. None of them were. I lifted my head as heavy chains were pulled, Zane fighting as his hands were pulled up, forcing him to his tiptoes in his pristine red bottomed shoes. "Thanks Christian. You can tell Lili to tell them now." He nodded once, turning and leaving me alone with the 4 of them. I let out a relaxed sigh, turning my head up to him with an innocent smile. "I wish I could say you look good tied up Zane but honestly it's a little pathetic." He shook in the holdings like if he moved enough it'd set him out. I brought my eyes back down to my hands, gently tapping the polish to make sure it was dry. "Did you see my note in your little spy room? You know, I have never had such obvious clarity and I genuinely didn't ever expect to be that calm after the initial shock, obviously."

He was furious. Trying to be intimidating like it was going to scare me. To be scared, someone else has to have the upper hand. He didn't have a damn thing right now.

"It's a little easy to find you if you essentially stick a neon sign over your hide out Zane. I did have you pegged as being a little smarter than that but I guess you can't have everything." He tried to speak and I smirked. "Sorry, what was that? You've got a little something in your mouth babe." I looked up at his mum. "Do you know what he said Elizabeth? Because I don't have a clue." She whimpered. "Oh. Right. You guys have the gags too. Durh. Forgive me, I just lost my best friend," I turned my head, standing up slowly to face Zane. Having changed my boots out for heels to make sure I wasn't a short arse right now. Killing someone in heels was apparently a lot more fun. According to Lili anyway. "Which is really funny because I am almost 100% sure I warned you about what would happen if she got hurt and if I do remember correctly you're the one who pulled the trigger on her." I took 3 steps over to a table behind me, picking up his precious matte black knife, fingers running over the blood stained snake. My blood. He hadn't cleaned it properly. It wasn't like this when I'd seen it last month when I was the one it was being used against. But it was now. "I'm a woman of my word Zane. When I told you I would destroy everything you love, I wasn't joking."

I stepped to Elizabeth, tears starting to flood her face. I slid the knife under gag, slicing it off and cutting her cheek in the process. Zane became more abrupt as his mother pleaded.

"I am sorry Elizabeth. You were brilliant. I really really liked you. This isn't you. This is your son's fault. Your bloods on his hands. Not mine." I tipped her head up, slicing his knife across her throat. I stared, watching the blood pour out of her, light draining from her eyes as seconds passed, quiet sobs in my ears as the rest of the group watched their mother die at my hands.

Slowly I turned my back to the corpse. Zane shoved on the ropes and I sighed as he tried to speak. 5 quick steps and I cut his tie from around his mouth.

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