Twenty Five

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"Exactly how big is your family?" Leo pulled me into him a little closer, very wary of the dozens of people that now filled the room. Apparently, I didn't know the answer to his question because 90% of the people in here I had no idea who they were.

"Um." I glanced up at him for a second, dragging my eyes away from the growing bruise on his neck. I really wish he'd let me cover it up. "I don't know these people." The men, dressed in black suits walked around with purpose, talking but none of it was anything I could make out. Chatter along with the clattering of metal and preparations were making what was usually a pretty calm house feel almost chaotic.

"Well, well well, someone decided to grace us with her presence."

"Your majesty." I bit back my smile. Voices I recognized in the mayhem. "We were called upon to come to your rescue."

"I'll think you'll find, pig brain, it's not me who needs rescuing."

"That'd make a change."

"Carry on Drew, I've already washed one guys blood splatter off myself today, I don't think I have time for another." Fin chuckled behind my cousins. "Oh, you brought freckles."

"Lovely to see you two princess, who's the guy in the suit with the hand on the merchandise?" He nodded up, curls bobbing on his head.

"Leo, these are 2 of my cousins, Drew and Rohan and Freckles over there is just some guy they found who leeches off everyone." He scowled. "Guys this is Leo."

"The infamous saviour. Nice bruise." I crossed my arms at Fin, letting Leo, tug me in front of him slightly. I don't think he'd be letting me go around Fin. Makes sense, he'd always been a little flirty. Leo grunted at him, pressing his fingers into the bruises he'd given me along my hip bones. "Boyfriend doesn't talk much does he?" Boyfriend. That is not something we've discussed.

"It's your face, he's trying not to throw up, I've gotten used to it now but the first time's always the hardest." Drew and Rohan burst into laughter, shoving Fin as he burned bright red. "Where's everyone else?"

"Dining room." Rohan looked at Leo. "You can let her go you know. She doesn't need to be held like a toddler."

"Ro-" I sighed. "Chill out. God."

"I'm saying what we're all thinking. Your dad might have decided he's trust worthy but I'm not so easily convinced. Come on. Pip wanted to see you."

"Pip's here?" I looked up at Leo, nodding that it was okay and stepping down into my cousins' awaiting quick hugs. "Why's Pip here?"

"Because someone threatened to kill his son." Drew smirked, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "I would love to cycle back around to you having someone's blood on your legs though, do we have video evidence of that because I simply don't believe you have a violent bone in your body. Have you been possessed? Blink twice if you need help."

"Funny." I rolled my eyes at him. "Is Pip mad?"

"His favourite grandchild has lost the plot," Rohan stopped at Dad's office door. "And he sent the 2 least favourites, and Fin, to bring her to him the second he got here. No one knows what Pip thinks right now." Wonderful. Pissing off the head of the whole family is precisely what I needed apparently. I turned to Leo, standing up on my tiptoes to place a soft kiss on his cheek, wiping the lipstick off with my thumb and smiling.

"Go see my Dad and the boys, see what they need. I'm fine in here."

"I'll wait."

"Honestly babe, probably best if you're not around. I'm fine. Ignore these prats. They wouldn't know trustworthy if it slapped them around the face."

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