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"I don't think I've ever seen this house this empty." Leo looked up at me as I set the timer on my phone. 20 minutes to wait before the cupcakes were ready to come back out. He'd sat down at the small table across the room a little while ago. He had been trying to 'help' but I have never been less helped in my entire life. I'm not sure if he was doing it on purpose but what I did know is I was never allowing him to bake for me. The number of shell pieces I had to pull out of those eggs was unbelievable. I hope he's better when it comes to pasta otherwise I was not looking forward to dinner tonight.

"I mean, it's not empty empty. Someone's watching the cameras."

"During the day, only the external cameras are on. For the garden and all the fences. Apparently Isaac and Lili got a little handsy in the corridor last week." I laughed, wiping my hands dry and slowly moving across the room to him. "You're legs have healed up really well. You can barely see anything." His fingers slowly traced over the barely visible scars. I guess the constant application of Vaseline and moisturizing them 3 times a day helped it heal up. I knew there was always going to be some proof it happened but at least they weren't in your face obvious.

"I know. Thank god. I'd hate to have to wear jeans or tights constantly." I smiled, brushing some flour off his cheek. "I like skirts and dresses way too much."

"I noticed." Leo grabbed my hips, turning me and pulling me onto his lap. He gently pulled my hair onto my back. He was so soft with me, constantly. The only time he hadn't been gentle was pulling me into the boxing ring yesterday but if he hadn't been that rough, I'd have been able to fight back and he knew that. Our training always relied on me not getting caught in someone's grasp. I could fight back if I did. I knew where to throw the punches to get whoever it was on their knees for a few seconds. I didn't want to use that on him though. One punch, one bloody nose and one slight bruise was more than enough for me. "How are you feeling today?"

"Good. You? Your nose doesn't look as bad in the daylight."

"I know. Still a little sore though."

"I can kiss it better again?" His lips tugged up at the sides. "Or I could punch your arm to make you forget about it."

"I'd like to see you try." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Was that a challenge?"

"Yeah. Yeah it was." I lifted my fist and he wrapped his hand around it. "Ah thought it was gonna be easy?" He grabbed my other hand before I could do anything with it and I scowled. "Thought you wanted to punch me again?"

"I really do now."

"Try then." I breathed, relaxing in his grip and shifting my ass where it sat. Leo's eyes went wide, getting bigger as I did it again. He dropped my hands, grabbing my thighs to stop me moving. "You can't-" I punched his arm. "OW." I burst into laughter, sitting on the rock in his pants. Any means necessary. That's what he'd told me. If I'm stuck find any means to get out. I had a way. Only one. Good to know it's not difficult to turn him on though.

"You said any means."

"I didn't mean-"

"HELLO? ANYONE HOME?" I jumped out of Leo's hold, moving across to the pile of dirty dishes quickly. He pulled the chair under the table, crossing his legs and shaking his head as he returned to reading the book he had been told to read when he was getting under foot.

"Kitchen Lili." The girls wandered into the kitchen, dropping a series of shopping bags on the floor. "Hi mum."

"Hi babe. What you doing?"

"Cupcakes." I smiled, running water over the bowls before loading them into the dish washer. Not a single thing just happened, not a clue what you mean. "Where have you 3 been?"

"Shopping." Isla grinned. Of course, they had been. "Are you coming tonight?"

"Coming where?" They all looked at me like I was dumb. Have I missed something? A birthday? Anniversary? Shit.

"Charity night Freya. Don't tell me you forgot." Mum sighed. "You know this is important to your dad."

"Sorry, don't know if you noticed but my world has kind of been flipped on its head the past month. A charity night at the casino has not been on my list of things to remember outside of learning how to kill a man for the next time I'm abducted." Silence. Apart from Leo's snicker over at the table. Glad he found it funny. I don't think the girls did. They all shot him a death glare before looking back at me. "I punched my bodyguard and nearly broke his nose. I'm fine." Mum sighed.

"You need to get out of the house Freya."

"I was out literally 24 hours ago with Milo. We got ice cream, I threw rocks at a tree. It was a great time."


"No Birdie's right Freya." Lili closed the dishwasher, having helped me finish loading it. "A night out would be fun. We can get all dressed up. There's supposed to be some really important men there-" Gross. "Good place to make some contacts."

"People heard that you were missing, it'd be a good chance for everyone to see you're fine."

"You're not even going to let me bring a book are you?"

"Nope." Isla and Lili echoed. Honestly those 2 girls share one mind. One big, brilliant mind. But one brain, nonetheless. I looked over at Leo who was trying to not look interested in the conversation but I could see his face was a little too straight.

"Fine." They squealed. "Leo's got to come too though. I am not walking into a room full of people potentially wanting me dead without the one person who's only job is to keep me alive."


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