Twenty Three

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Leo tapped his finger on his water glass in the corner of the room whilst I carried the conversation for the 30th minute. He was going mad. Hunting for smart ways to hide the hard on I had noticed multiple times. I was trying not to put too much pressure on it but I had the whole thing built up in my head so much so that I fear if he touched me right now it might just be enough to tip me over the edge. Just a whisper in my ears and I'd be falling to my knees.

"I'm gonna go shower before these blood stains are any harder to get out." Lili nodded and I turned around, heading up the stairs without even looking at him. I did know he was talking to James though, the conversation looked important so with any luck, it'll be a minute or two before he realizes I'm gone. I decided to leave my dress on, only because I wanted him to take it off, not because he told me to. I locked the bathroom door, turning the shower on and taking my heels off. Not thinking about it. Don't over think it. The handle wiggled and I smiled. 2 knocks.

"Who is it?"

"You know who it is unlock the door." Whispers. I bit my lip.

"I'm a little busy right now. Come back later." He shook the door, my face flushing red as the anticipation built quickly.

"I'll take the door off its hinges Freya. Let me in." I giggled, flicking the lock and stepping back as he quickly got in, locking it behind him. "You're such a little brat."

"I don't know what you mean." I gasped as Leo lifted me around his waist. "Little warning."

"No, you're past warnings. Warnings were nearly 40 minutes ago." My back pressed into the wall and Leo's hand gently rubbed up and down the back of my thigh. "You need me to stop at any point you tell me okay? I don't care how far into this we are, you tell me and we stop." I nodded quickly. "Don't try being a smart arse and fighting through it Rey. If it's too much, we stop. You tell me what you need."


"Yes love."

"Shut up and kiss me. I've been thinking about this for days." He smiled, letting me grab his face with both hands, pulling myself down to him. We had to be quick and quiet if we didn't want anyone knowing this was happening right now. We didn't have time to waste on pleasantries. I pushed my tongue between his lips, breathing heavy against him. Leo walked us over to my bathroom counter, sitting me down and pulling away from the kiss.

"I'm going to go easy Rey." He kissed down my neck, pulling at the straps of my dress. "My focus is on reminding you how good this is when it's okay. When you want it, on your terms."

"I like when you're a little demanding Leo." He lifted his head, pulling my dress off over my head and dropping it to the floor.

"You do?" I nodded. "Next time Rey. We can work up the dominant side. If we did that right now, I don't want to trigger a flash back or anything."

"Leo. He's the only guy I ever slept with. No matter what we do, there's going to be flash backs."

"Wait. You've only slept with him?" I nodded. "And the last time was-"


"Jesus. Okay." He breathed, running his hands down the side of my body. "Did you ever finish with him?"

"Once. I think. I'm not sure."

"If you're not sure, then you didn't Rey." He smiled, pulling my hips to the edge of the counter and getting down on his knees. "In which case, let me do the honours. Lift your hips." I pushed up on the counter, putting my weight into my hands as he removed my panties. Leo licked his lips, looking up at me through rough eyebrows, I nodded, reminding him I wanted this and that I was okay.

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