
Y-"mhm he didn't want us to separate so he found our uncle and he put him in school and everyday he would come home and teach me what he learned but he wanted me to go to high school in person so that's what I did and we graduated the same class"

Zay-"he does care about u"

Y-"mhm gets on my fucking nerves"

They laughed

Y-"u have any siblings"

Zay-"it was said that I do"

Y-"u never met them"

He shook his head

Zay-"the last time I heard from any of my family one was in jail on was going halfway accross the world just cuz they could"


Zay-"yeah that's what I said"

Y-"u ever wanted to find them"

Zay-"sometimes I wonder what it would be like or what they would look like"

Y-"mm they'll show up one day"


She put her hands on his arms

Y-"wheres your bathroom"

Zay-"the one in my room and it's one right here"

He pointed to a door behind him she got up and went in the bathroom after a couple minutes she came out giggling and walked to him

Zay-"why are u giggling"

Y-"nuffin just learned something about myself"


Y-"you'll know when I tell u"


She sat on his lap and put her arms around his neck


He laughed making her laugh

Zay-"what happened in that bathroom"

Y-"nun I can't say hi"

Zay-"u can but the way u said it I had to question u"

Y-"oh mkay"

She turned his head and kissed on his cheek


She continued kissing on it


Zay-"why all the kisses"


She sat up he blinked a few times and looked at her

Y-"I wanted to give u kisses"

Zay-"thank u for that"

Y-"mhm I give u mores"

She kissed on the other one he put his arms around her


Some time passed she pulled away from his cheek

Y-"u like my kisses"

Zay-"I do"

She kissed it a few more times then kissed on his jaw his ear and down his neck



Zay-"where u going"

Y-"I giving u kisses"

Zay-"how about the other cheek instead of- mm"

She found his sweet spot she smiled a little and kissed and licked on it

my random ideas 2Where stories live. Discover now