camryn and jace2

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Some years later

Jace pov

Today is the day camryn comes back she left for a few years because of family issues and this summer she's staying with us while her mom does...I forgot the point is camryn is coming back and I cannot calm myself down


Jace-"ouch yes"

He got up

Jay-"this is what u do with the door close'

Jace-"no I felt anxious so I did push ups"

Jay-"oh someone's waiting for u put a shirt on"

Jace-"shes here early"


Jace-"nvm I'm coming"

He left Jace roamed his room for a shirt then just put on a t shirt he came downstairs and went in the kitchen he froze and so did she



Jace-"is that Camryn"


Jace-"uh huh"

She smiled he hugged her she hugged him back

Jace-"u look different"

He let her go and cupped her cheeks looking in her eyes

Jace-"it's still u tho"

She smiled and blushed a little

Y-"aww their finally reunited"


Y-"what I do"

Jace-"I know u just got here and didn't even get a tour or anything but I wanna take u somewhere"


He changed again and came back and took her to his car

Cam-"ouu me like"

He opened the door for her she got in he got in on the other side

He started the car and drove off

Jace-"what u been up to"

Cam-" u"

Jace-"I missed u more tho"

Cam-"theres no way"

Jace-"yeah it is I wrote your name on my arm like 3 times"

She laughed making him laugh

Before she left they decided to take a break because long distance didn't work

Jace-"u find a boyfriend"

Cam-"nope u find a girlfriend"

Jace-"nope find a fuck buddy"

Cam-"not necessarily"

He looked at her Sharply she laughed he looked back at the road

Jace-"that was very delayed"

Cam-"well I lost my virginity"

Jace-"really was it fun"

They laughed

Cam-"what kind of question was that"

Jace-"I didn't know what else to say"

Cam-"wow Jace"

Jace-"well did u"

Cam-"ehh...I feel like there's better"

Jace-"I understand"

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