my sisters friends

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Kayla-"my hoodie now"

Y-"but I was gunna-"



Mesha-"how long have u had it"


Mesha-"give it back"

She pouted and went to her room giving her hoodie back

Kayla-"thank u take this one"


She grabbed one and ran out going to her room they got ready mesha took them to school

Y-"am I meeting your friends now"

Kayla-"fine come on"


They walked up to them

Kayla-"yn this is the friend group that's Jamari aka Mari that's jabrien Kevin Mia Tanae and Taniya isn't here yet"


Kayla-"shes a hugger"

She smiled and opened her arms they awed and each of them hugged her Mari held her tight she giggled

Mari-"shes adorable"

He let her go she smiled at him he smiled back

Kayla-"feel better now"

Y-"yeah I feel included in something"

They laughed

Kayla-"after school were going shopping u wanna go"

Y-"I left my money at home"

Kayla-"we can figure it out u wanna go"


Kayla-"ok I'll come get u at 20"

Y-"otay bye guys"

They waved saying bye

Kayla-"dont let her fool u shes crazy"

Mari-"shes adorable"

Kayla-"what grade are u in"

He looked at her

Mari-"how do u not know what grade I'm in"

Kayla-"answer the question"


Kayla-"shes in 10th"


Kayla-"who class u in"

Mari-"I don't even know"

Kayla-"your the sped one out of the group now"


They went in the school

Skip time

Ms.bennit-"everyone understand"

They looked at each other

Moni-"could u break it down further that didn't make any sense"


Bennit-"raise your hand when u want to speak"

Y-"moni didn't"

Bennit-"I told u to raise your hand when u want to speak"

Moni-"why do u act like that towards her"

Bennit-"thats nun of your buisness u have the rest of the class period"

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