say dat 2

153 1 0

Key and Lani went home Damian took yn to the most relaxing place he could think of which was the top of a building where the breeze was cool and u could see the entire city they went back and forth telling their child hood but yn didn't open up emotional wise

Damian-"how did that make u feel"

She shrugged

Y-"Idc as of now"

Damian-"back then how do u think u felt..angry tired stressed...maybe u didn't know how to explain it"

She thought for a second

Y-"I remember crying when I left...I was angry but...I was free...I didn't have to think about that anymore but I did anyway"

Damian-"mm...u mentioned your grandmother was suppose to take u in what do u mean"

Y-"when I got there she was gone along with her stuff and there was some other lady she said she was my grandmothers nurse who was also a long lost aunt...and she said she passed...heart failure...I stayed with her until she got married...he moved in and saw me as a fucking toy"

She ran her finger tips on the leaf

Y-*sniff he molested me and tried to rape me but no he didn't go to jail I did because he was quote on quote framed and I lied

She said starting to cry

Y-"for all I know he's out here fucking 9 year Olds for a living while beating on their parents how he did mine...that's so fucked up how u get so lost with him u forgot to care for me....the child u claimed u wanted in the first place the child u said was a angel and would never lie bitch please"

She leaned over the edge he stood up pulling her away from the edge

Y-"im fine"

She pushed him off and crossed her arms walking back slowly

Y-"I wanted to die...that's like buying something everyone swore was amazing then u go to use it and relize it was nothing but sarcasm"

She rubbed her foot on the edge looking down he pulled her away turning her to him

Y-"let me go"

Damian-"mm mm"

He pulled her arms around him he rubbed on her back she sniffled

Y-"...I guess u get your dates"

Damian-"that doesn't even matter no more yn your hurt mama"

She sniffled

Damian-"u need love princess...and I'll do anything and everything in my power to help u..ok"

She nodded

Damian-"any one else know"

She shook her head

Damian-"im so proud of u"

He held her tighter she cried more and balled his shirt in her hands

Damian-"I am so proud of u mama"

He rocked her slowly side to side letting her get it out

Damian-"thank u for telling me actually thank yourself..u needed this release and u know u did"

Skip time

Key-"shes ba- yn what's wrong"

Damian-"she just needs a minute wheres her room"

Key-"upstairs last left"

He took her upstairs to her room closed the door and went to sit her down she held onto him

Y-"mm mm"


He sat down with her in his lap he rubbed on her back

Damian-"u want some tissue"

She nodded he got up sitting her on the bed he got some tissue and opened his hands for her she went to put her hands up then shook her head

Y-"im acting like a baby"

Damian-"u didn't get treated like a baby"

He picked her up

Damian-"maybe this is what u need"

He sat down with her in his lap and made her blow her nose he started to wipe her tears but she cried more he stood up she had her head in his neck he lightly bounced her

Damian-"can I try something"

She shrugged he turned all the lights off in the room opened the window but closed the curtains he played soft music and sung to her she stopped crying he stopped bouncing her and slowly walked the room she heard the calmness of natured mixed with his voice and the music he gave her some affirmations to repeat and made her laugh a little then laid her down letting her fall asleep he left the music on and sat on the couch in her room he took a breath then relaxed himself

Some time passed yn woke up and saw him on the couch by himself she got up walking to him and crawled in his lap sitting sideways with her nose in his cheek he put his arms around her she kissed his cheek and they fell asleep


my random ideas 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum