shes mine

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He smiled

Y-"hey baby"

Zay-"hey mama"

Y-"u so handsome"

Zay-"thank u beautiful"


Zay-" procrastinating"

Y-"on what"

Zay-"i told myself I'd rewrite the songs we did but I never got up and it feels good as a memory"

Y-"If does feel good as a memory"

Zay-"mhm where u going"

Y-"mch why u in my business"

She slapped her hand on her leg


Y-"u do nosy"

Zay-"im not im just making sure I know where u at so if I need to come get u I can"

Y-"u dont need to come get me"

Zay-"I said if i need to"

Y-"ok i dont want to argue anymore"

He laughed


Y-"guess what papi


Y-"i love u"

Zay-"i love u to mama"

He laughed a little

Y-"mkay but seriously"

Zay-"what mama"

Y-"nvm ill tell u when i see u in person"


She giggled a little

Y-"im almost there"

Zay-"ok mama"

Y-"see u later"

Zay-"see u later my queen"

She looked at him and grinned blushing he smiled


She put her hand up to hang up before she screamed but screamed anyway and hung up


He let his body slide off the bed he kicked himself away from the bed slid backwards to the bean bag and pushed himself up in it and waited patiently for her

Skip time

He got up hearing knocks on the door and went downstairs and opened the door

Zay-"u have a ke-*gasp

His jaw dropped she giggled she filled her arms with flowers 2 teddy bears some food 3 gift bags and her purse phone and keys hanging on for dear life


He put his hands on his cheeks she smiled and giggled

Zay-"i- who- what"

Y-"i gotchuuuu"

She came in he closed the door she put some of the stuff down

Y-"no theres no necessary celebration i just wanted to give u some stuff to remind u that u know...i love u and we in this together and to tell u that u are the most amazing boyfriend ive ever had in my life and i feel ion tell u enough"

Zay-"bae stop"

He put his hands over his face
She moved his hands he licked his lips and looked in her eyes

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