usual stranger 3

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Yns class was over and she went to bother zay he was sitting down with his legs spread slouched on the couch and his head back on the wall she closed the door

Zay-"that pressed to see me"

Y-"no I wanna beat u up"

Zay-*laughs your cute

Y-"why thank u"

She walked to him he looked at her from her thighs up to her eyes



Y-"u look tired"

Zay-"I am tired"

Y-"mm how much longer u have to be here"

Zay-"uh depends probly another 45 I have a class coming in in quite few minutes then after that I have to check in with Justin and Nala then I should be on my way"

Y-"how about I make u dinner tonight something less to stress about"

Zay-"thats nice of u"

Y-"I try ill text u my address"


Y-"u look very tired u sure your good for the next class"

Zay-"I should be fine I just need to shake it off and find something to entertain me until they get here"

He yarned

Y-"u want some juice or something I can run to the store"

Zay-"no I'm ok u go home and chill out"

Y-"mm...ok I'll see u later"

Zay-"see u"

She kissed his cheek

Y-"bye handsome"

Zay-"bye beautiful"

He bit his lip she smiled and walked off switching he watched her she left he took a 15 minute nap then got up trying to get ready for the next class sometime passed and everyone got there and they got to work without music they went through the routine zay heard someone open the door he looked and saw it was yn

Zay-"what u doing here"

Y-"come here"

Zay-"give me a second"

He walked out closing the door behind him

Y-"I know u told me not to but I did anyway I got u some candy and some juice"

Zay-"i- u didn't have to do that"

Y-"I didn't but it's ok take some real quick so u can get back to work"

He sipped the juice and ate a peice of candy

Zay-"take it with u I'll get it when I come over there ok"

She nodded he grabbed her Jaw and kissed her cheek

Zay-"thank u babe"

Y-"your welcome"

He went in she smiled hearing him call her baby she walked out did some quick dinner shopping and went home she got home started dinner and took a quick shower and changed her clothes and came back down finishing up she checked her messages seeing if he said anything else other then he was on his way as she was getting dressed she plated the food and heard the door she did a little dance tasting her food

Y-"ok im coming"

She ran to the door and opened it

Y-*gasp no u didn't

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