meeting his parents 2

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everyone got there and dinner was ready rita and the boys served plates desiree slid over to yn yn laughed a little



desiree-"wha cha doin"

y-"nothing wyd"

desiree-"nothing I just wanted to say that u are a very very beautiful woman and I can tell u make him happy does he make u happy"

y-"thank u and yes he's the light in my day"

desiree-"aw has he told u he wanted babies"

y-"no but he threw hints"

desiree-"oh well he does and he likes to brag so be prepared to be talked about a lot and I mean a lot a lot"

y-"ok thank u"

she laughed a little

damain-" desiree"

desiree-"hes also very selfish when it comes to his loved ones"

damian-"leave her alone"

y-"we were just talking baby"

desiree-"yeah we were just talking"

damian-"your in my seat"

y-"be nice"

damian-"ok move away from my girlfriend or I'll put a bullet in your skull"

rita raised her hand to hit him

rita-"in a way that's nice"

damian laughed


rita-"what he's protecting her u protect yourself and get out of his seat"

dom-"damian made me invite a girl"

desiree-*gasp stinka butt!!

she jumped on her and kissed on her face she laughed dom stood in shock she put her down

desiree-"u guys dis is jule me and her met on damians old campus"

dom-"but- no uh uh no stink butt mine"

he pulled lola to him

Jule-"omg their fighting over me this is a moment to remember"

they laughed

desiree-"I knew ber first let her go"

dom-"no she's my girlfriend"

desiree-"ok and"

deserve pulled on jule dom pulled her back

Jule-"I am not elasta girl u will break me ouu whos dat"

she pulled away from both of them and went to yn damian stood in front of he

Jule-"excuse me"

damian-"u can walk around"

she looked him up and down

Jule-"and who are u"

damian-"your lil friends big brother"

she pur her lip up to her nose and walked away

y-"mch damian"

rita-"ok time to eat everyone sit down'

they all sat down

rita-"wheres the old man"

the boys looked at each other them scratched their heads

dom-"great question"

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