Camryn and jace 9

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Jace-"hey baby"

Cam-"hey papa"

He kissed her head



She screamed his face lit up seeing her at the top of the steps grinning and giggling

Jace-"hi mama"

He dropped his stuff and went upstairs and grabbed her kissing on her cheeks she kicked her feet giggling

Jace-"mm my pretty princess"

She giggled he held her on his arm she looked in his eyes with a smile making him smile she put her hand up to his lips he kissed on her hand she giggled he smiled and rubbed his nose on hers sitting next to Cam


She yelled and hit Jace meaning she saw something

Jace-"yes baby"

Jae-"uh da mama"

Jace-"yes that's mommy isn't she so beautiful"

Cam rolled her eyes Jae shook her head and looked at him he made a face


Jae-"mama gorgeous"

Cam-"oh my goodness,c

Jace laughed

Jace-"I agree mommy is absolutely drop dead gorgeous"

Cam-"thank u babies"

Jae looked at her computer and saw that's where here attention was she reached for it

Cam-"uh uh no"

She put her lip out and whined

Cam-"use your words baby whats wrong"

She stopped and looked at Jace

Jace-"what is it"

Jae-"I..ll..nnn...l-love mommy'

She put her lip out

Jace-"aww u love mommy'

Jae-"uh huh"

Cam-"mommy loves u baby girl"

She leaned forward and kissed her cheek she giggled making them smile she reached for camron she put her computer to the side and took her off of jaces lap Cam kissed on her she giggled and screamed a little


She pulled away and looked at her she held a smile on her face they laughed a little


She bounced herself up and down holding her shirt

Cam-"oh goodness"

Jace laughed she stopped


She screamed they looked towards the door she screamed again and got down running to the door they followed Jace picked her up and opened the door it was a Amazon delivery person her hand was up to knock on the door


Jae giggled and waved to her she smiled and waved back

??-"for camron"

Camron ducked under his arm

Cam-"das me thank u"

??-"your welcome"

Jae giggled opening and closing her hand to the girl she laughed a little

??-"hi mama"

Jae-"hi hi"

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