Chapitre Dix-Neuf

Start from the beginning

 I sighed and walked over to him. 

"Do you think it's broken?" Tamaki asked tearfully.

"No, just bruised," I replied as I took out some bandages in my back pocket and wrapped his thumb to keep the swelling down. I gave it a soft kiss. 

"All better," I smiled. Tamaki's face flushed slightly and I brushed his bangs out of his face. 

Misuzu beamed, "Such care! Ten refresher points!" She exclaimed. 

"But I'm already staying here," I stated. 

She chuckled, "Oh right, of course."

Tamaki wrapped his arms around me. "I can't do it! I'm going to die here!" He said dramatically. 

"Don't worry. I have one of the bigger rooms with a king-sized bed. You could probably stay with me if you wanted," I suggested, patting his arm as his forehead rested on my shoulder. 

"Really?" He asked excitedly.

"Of course, I wouldn't offer if I wasn't going to let you stay with me," I replied.

"You're the best!" Tamaki squealed, peppering my face in kisses.

"Yes, I know," I laughed, prying him off, "Now go play."

Tamaki ran off to get his luggage while I continued my chores.

The twins were escorting two guests upstairs and Mori carried a table out to the backyard. Tadeo ran around, playing with the guest's children. I still kept his service vest on, just in case.

I looked over to see Haruhi chatting with Misuzu. It was unnerving how much Misuzu reminded me of Renge. I shuddered at the thought of them in the same room. What a disaster that would be.

I went outside onto the patio to do some cleaning. Kyoya sat there silently, drinking some tea. Tadeo laid under his table, panting slightly as he rested in the shade. I still wasn't too very fond of Kyoya but we were on better terms.

"Are you hiding Tadeo?" I asked, crouching down and petting him. He licked my hand.

"You should have seen how fast he ran out here when Mori-Senpai opened the door," Kyoya hummed as I refilled his pitcher of iced tea.

"He's not bothering you, is he?" I asked. 

Kyoya shook his head. "No, he's fine," He said. I nodded and went to change the flowers.

"Who's your favorite to win?" Kyoya asked. 

I shrugged. "I don't really care who wins," I stated. 

"Surely you'd want Tamaki to stay, wouldn't you?" He questioned. 

"He already is. You should've seen his face when I asked, he lit up like fireworks," I grinned with a small laugh. 

Kyoya smirked. "He really is clueless, isn't he?" Kyoya said with amusement as he adjusted his glasses. 

"He is," I chuckled.

"Tamaki must think you have something in mind if he went that red," Kyoya commented with an evil smirk. I opened my mouth to reply but closed it, too astonished to say anything as I felt my face flush. 

"No, that's, that's not what I had in mind. I, I was just inviting him to stay with me," I stuttered. Kyoya raised his eyebrow with a smug look.

"Whatever, I don't have to explain anything to you," I growled. I turned on my heel and Tadeo suddenly lunged out from under the table to alert. Before I knew it, my knees gave out from under me and I felt to the ground.

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