10; K-Drama Conundrum.

Start from the beginning

To make matters worse, the transportation she had ordered arrived, indicating that there was no reason for her to stay. The hanboks were already on their way to Hallyu, as she had provided the address earlier. They had likely departed by now.

"I..." She cleared her throat, "I'll get going now; otherwise, I'll be late. Annyeonghi gyeseyo; goodbye."

He appeared slightly saddened by her sudden departure, but he didn't comment on it. "Jalgayo; take care. I hope to see you soon."

"Me too." With a small wave, she turned around and walked away, fighting the temptation to look back and see if he was still there, watching her like they do in movies.

Isn't that what usually happens? The main male characters refuse to leave until they see the female characters safely depart.

Although she wasn't in a K-drama, she couldn't help but imagine her encounter with the Dean-lookalike turning into one. He could be the main character, and she would be the female character.

Unfortunately, after she got into her car, she couldn't resist glancing in his direction, only to be slightly disappointed that he had disappeared. Her lips puckered slightly, and her shoulders slumped. She realized she hadn't even exchanged contact information with him, not even his SNS.

Dismissing the thought, she clung to the belief that their paths would cross again. If it happened, perhaps it would be a sign of destiny.

Wasn't it too early for her to be having such thoughts?

But she had always been a sucker for the kind, caring male leads in K-dramas who show affection from the beginning. She found the trope of being rude initially and then falling helplessly and deeply in love to be utterly frustrating.

She despised that cliché the most, making her prefer the type of characters who were good from the start.

So, she allowed herself to indulge in fantasies. Who knows what the future holds?

That was the day before, and due to her inability to finish even half of her assigned work, she had to stay overtime the following day.

Her body desperately needed a warm bath to wash away the stress. She had barely slept the night before, staying up late to complete some of her tasks.

Both mentally and physically drained, she quickly hopped into the bath, remaining there for nearly half an hour until the water began to lose its warmth. Afterward, she dried off and made her way to her room, slipping into a comfortable robe.

Picking up her phone, she casually attempted to order takeout, a routine she had developed since her arrival, before getting dressed.

However, she encountered an issue when the order button didn't work, furrowing her brows in confusion. Wanting to understand the source of the problem, she decided to check her account balance.

As the balance appeared on her phone screen, her eyes widened, her mouth agape like a fish. She stood frozen, as if time had come to a halt. She couldn't bring herself to react.

Finally, it all clicked.

A piercing scream escaped her lips. If not for the realization of the consequences and what would transpire, her phone would have slipped from her hands and fallen to the floor.

She had nothing. Absolutely no money to sustain herself.

Her mind instantly raced through the ways she had chosen to spend the money she promised herself she would save. She didn't even have to think hard; the multitude of designer brand bags and jackets strewn across the room spoke volumes.

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