Hazel and Frank

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Frank and I were walking around Camp Jupiter, talking, laughing, when a bright light engulfed around us both dropping us on grass.

I looked down and saw Frank below me. We both flustered.

We stood up and walked over to our friends. I also looked around. "Why are we at Camp Half Blood?" I asked.

"Were in the past actually" Clarisse said.

"Wow" Frank said.

"Percy hasn't been claimed yet" Piper said.

"I want to see him" I said.

"Hermes table" Jason told us. Frank and I looked over and saw little Percy. He's so little. Oh my gods. "Look at Annabeth."

"They are both small" Frank said. "And cute."

"Luke is also here" Piper whispered. "Remember our friends told us about him."

"Which one?" I asked.

"Glance at the Hermes table, look at him, and look away quickly" Katie told us.

I stole a glance and looked away quickly. "He's freaky."

"Yeah, what's up with the scar on his eye?" Frank asked.

"You don't want to know" Thalia said.

"Why do you all keep whispering?" a camper asked.

The future kids all shared nervous glances. "We'll tell you all later. Right now were waiting for more of our friends to come" Reyna said.

"Say your name and godly parent" Leo told Frank and I.

"I'm Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto, Roman form of Hades" I said. A lot of gasps.

"Even Hades broke the oath" campers said.

"At least Lord Poseidon didn't" other campers said.

"That's about to change" Piper muttered. Nobody but us future kids heard her.

"Once Percy gets here that is" Rachel muttered too.

"I'm Frank Zhang, son of Mars, Roman form of Ares" Frank said, when everyone finished talking.

"So we only have Will, Nico, Percy and Annabeth left" Jason said.

"The last two are the main ones" Piper said.

The future kids laughed. "Why?" past Percy and Annabeth asked.

"I said, they'll come and tell you" Thalia said. "You don't want to hear it from us. Those two will tell you."

"Are they-we coming together?" past Percy asked.

"Should I lie?" Thalia whispered.

"Yes?" everyone whispered back.

"No" Thalia lied, it wasn't very convincing. "You don't like each other like that."

"They definitely do like each other" I whispered.

"No, they love each other" Piper whispered. "It's my moms OTP in the first place."

"Yeah" Katie whispered too. "I think Lady Aphrodite has planned their wedding right in this time."

Reyna, Frank, Clarisse, Chris, Piper, Jason, Travis, Connor, Katie, Rachel, Leo, Calypso, and I laughed.

"They won't tell us a thing" campers muttered.

"I think the Aphrodite cabin knows" I said.

"Yeah, mom is like that" Piper said.

Two more of friends fell from the sky. I really hope it's my brother and Will.

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