Leo and Calypso

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Calypso POV:

Leo and I were in Bunker 9, just talking to each other, which involved a lot of kissing but you get it. Then this bright light engulfed us and suddenly were outside.

Leo landed on top of me, which is surprising. We don't normally do this. He was staring at me and I was staring at him.

Someone cleared their throat. We looked up to see Reyna, Thalia, Travis, Connor and Katie.

Leo and I got up and looked around.

"Where are we?" Leo asked.

"Camp Half Blood but in the past" Reyna said.

"Past? How much?" Leo asked.

"That Kelp Head of a cousin of mine, hasn't been claimed yet" Thalia said.

"Say, where is Percy Jackson?" Leo asked. "I want to see him small."

"Hermes table" Connor said. Leo and I both turned to the Hermes table.

"He's scrawny" I said. "He wasn't like that when I met him."

"He's scrawnier then me" Leo said.

"Little Annabeth is also here" Thalia said.

"Gods" Leo said. "She looks like she's not going to kill me every 5 minutes."

"Leo" I said, hitting his shoulder. "She doesn't."

"She glares daggers with her grey storming eyes" Leo said.

"Yeah" Katie said. "Everything was calm between them at this time. They don't that stuff every single time." She mouthed PDA to us.

We all laughed. "Oh right, your name and godly parent" Travis said.

"Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus" Leo said.

"Calypso, daughter of the titan Atlas." There were more gasps. I hated when everybody does that.

"How did you get off your island?" a camper asked.

Leo held my hand, kissing my cheek. "I am the only person whose been to Ogygia twice. And I promised on the Styx that I'd get her off of the island."

"Which he happily did" I said. "And now he is my amazing boyfriend."

"You guys, Luke, the one we told you about is here" Katie whispered.

"Which one?" I asked.

"Hermes table" Travis said. "Don't look at me, Connor or Percy. Or the other kids."

Leo and I looked at him. Then we quickly glanced away.

"I can't believe that's him" Leo whispered.

"We'll tell the story later" Thalia said. "To the past campers."

Just then two more people fell down from the sky.

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