"Where are you off to, anyway? I think you need to sit down," he was back to his usual serious self and shifted under my weight.

"To get some air, but actually, now I think I'm gonna have to divert to the bathroom because my bladder is about to burst."

"Lovely," he said sarcastically, "Would you like me to help you up there?"

"I would say no, but I honestly don't think I'll make it on my own."

"I don't think you will either," he agreed, assisting me in walking up the stairs straight away.

I was grateful he was in a good mood and decided to help me, but I was a little alarmed when he stepped into the small bathroom with me and locked the door. I looked puzzled at him with wide eyes and he rolled his again. "I won't look."

I was wary but I decided it was okay, since I probably would be stuck in here if he didn't come in to help me just stand up. He turned around to face the door and I let out a relieved sigh as the weight was taken off my jelly legs when I sat down. I did my business and then managed to stand up on my own (result), yanking my jeans up over my thighs (all was going good), but then came the real challenge: the button. I was seemingly too weak to do up the button on my jeans and I must have become a little bloated from all the drink that was in my tummy so they were a little tighter than when I'd put them on. I let out little grunts and giggles as I fought with my jeans, lacking the coordination at this time to even come close to getting the round piece of metal into it's buttonhole.

"Jess... what are you doing?" he asked cautiously, not daring to turn around.

It was then that I burst into a fit of intense laughter and fell back to sit on the edge of the bathtub. "I... I can't... I can't do up my jeans!" I practically shouted between laughs, completely out of breath and finding it the funniest thing in the entire world. Isn't that how it always was, though? The moment you enter the bathroom when you're drunk everything is just hilarious.

"Is it safe to turn around?"

"Yes," I snorted.

He turned around gingerly and a smile crept upon his face when he saw me; jeans undone, just managing to perch on the edge of the bath, tears clouding my eyes from laughing so hard.

"I know this is possibly the most awkward thing in the whole world, but would you like me to do up your jeans?" he proposed, sounding completely done with me but also trying his hardest not to laugh.


"Up to you. It's either that or you go back out there with your underwear on full display."

"Fine, but no inappropriate touching... or peeking!"

"Stand up," he instructed. I did as he asked and stood on my wobbly legs, grasping his shoulders to steady myself. He kept his distance and carefully went for the button, attempting to do it up without touching my skin and without looking or lingering for too long.

I'd stopped laughing now, and suddenly the bathroom felt like the tiniest space I'd ever been in with another person. I could hear both of our ragged breathing crystal clear, and his body heat was radiating onto me because of our close proximity. Despite not being able to think clearly, it's like my mind was suddenly washed clean of everything else and it was just him - all the focus I could muster was on Harry. I looked at his face, which because of my heels was almost level with mine, and he had no idea I was watching him so closely.

He looked up obliviously at me entertaining a rather amused facial expression, "I like this Jess, this Jess isn't nervous and moralistic. This Jess is actually kind of fun."

Illicit [Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now