"A boat?" Dean asks.

"Yes. One minute it was there, then it was gone. It just disappeared right before her eyes. You think it could be a... ghost ship?" Gert asks. "Alex thinks it could be a ghost ship."

"Well, um... could be." Sam mumbles, shifting uncomfortably under the woman's intense gaze.

"Well... you let me know if there's anything else I can do for you." Gert traces her finger along Sam's hand. "Anything at all."


"What a crazy old broad." Dean says.

"Why? Because she believes in ghosts?" Sam asks.

"Look at you, sticking up for your girlfriend." Dean laughs. "You cougar hound."

"Shut up, Dean." Miranda rolls her eyes.

"Bite me." Sam sneers.

"Hey, not if she bites you first. And don't get too jealous, Randi." Dean says.

"Don't call me that."
"Don't call her that."

The couple both glare at Dean who quietly laughs.

"So, who's this Alex? We got another player in town?" Dean asks.

"Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't change our job." Sam says.

"And what looked like a ghost ship, right?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. It's not the first one sighted around here either." Sam says.

"Really?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. Every 37 years, like clockwork, reports of a vanishing three-mast clipper ship out in the bay. And every 37 years, a rash of weirdo, dry land drownings." Sam says.

"So, whatever's happening is just getting started." Dean says.


"What's the lore?"

"Well, there are apparitions of old wrecks sighted all over the world. The S.S. Violet, the Griffin, the Flying Dutchman -- almost all of them are death omens."

"So, what happens? You see the ship and then a few hours later, you pucker up and kiss your ass goodbye?"


"What's the next step?"

"I gotta ID the boat."

"That shouldn't be too hard. I mean, how many three-mast clipper ships have wrecked off the coast?"

"I checked that too, actually. Over 150." Sam says.

"Wow." Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"Shit." Dean says.

"Mm-hmm." Sam agrees. They get to the parking lot, but don't find the Impala.

"This is where we parked the car, right?" Dean asks.

"I thought so." Sam says.

"Where's my car?" Dean asks.

"Did you feed the meter?" Sam asks.

"Yes, I fed the meter. Sam, where's my car? Somebody stole my car!" Dean begins to freak out.

"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, Dea--"

"I am calmed down!" Dean cuts his brother off. "Somebody stole my ca--" He starts to hyperventilate, resting his hands on his knees.

"Dude, I kind of understand, but get a grip." Miranda tells him.

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