
“Ugh! Ah! Ah! Ah!”

“We’ve been at it for less than five minutes and I can say, If you aren’t a demon you’d be dead 65 times already” Rui said standing on a web with his Mom and dad while looking down on his opponent.

“Shut up! I… ah w…won’t let you… ah ugh! Lay a finger on Lady Tamayo” Yushiro got up after however many long times he’d been knocked down.

“Wait… don’t tell me you're out of breath. Can demons even get out of bre… this clownery is very amusing”

“Shut up!! AAAAH!!”


“Give it up boy, I'm a 12 kizuki member. You’re an out of shape demon. We’re not the same” he smiled but truth is, he’s already bored with the eyesore groveling before him.

“Mother, I'll slash him into pieces. Put him in a jar and we’ll release him to the sun at dawn”  he said.

“Y-Yes rui” His mother said, not daring to look him in the eyes.

“You have one job now mother, don’t mess u- AH!”

“Rui? Are you–”

“No, I feel…woah!” Rui somehow lost his balance and fell from the height he was standing on.

“Aroma Of Daylight”

“Your time has come, young man” said Tamayo, as she slowly walked out of the house

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“Your time has come, young man” said Tamayo, as she slowly walked out of the house.

* * * * * *

Old woman Kobayashi and the rest were still on the road not deviating or making any turns. Trusting tamayo and going straight. Then suddenly they heard whistling.

Didn’t know where it came from. Just the sound alone was creepy enough for them to stop. They all looked at each other to understand that none of them were going crazy.

“Mommy, I’m scared” A little girl hugged her mother.

“It’s okay baby, we’re almost home” the mom smiled. Everyone turned around and gave a reassuring smile, even though they were also scared.


The body of both the mother and the three year old daughter was cleaved in half.

“YAAOOOW!! How’s everyone doing??”

“W-what are you?!!” Kobayshi screamed

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“W-what are you?!!” Kobayshi screamed.

“Oh?? An aged woman?? Just right up my alley!! How old are you?? I’m guessing you're about 80?? I’m only 60 years older than you but age is just a number, am i right?? Heheheheee”

“What?” Everyone looked at this… creature terrified but confused and a bit intrigued.

There’s no way he’s hitting on someone her age right.

The creature held her cheeks, caressing his thumb over it.

“Those eyes, those wrinkly old lips and that shaky voice. I can only wonder how good you were when you were younger. Aah~ Ooo my gaaawd~~ just thinking about it gets soooo hawwnn~”

“What the fuck am I witnessing right now?” said someone in the back.

“Hey what do you say baby~~ wanna join me for a fun night?? You’ve never experienced this level of pleasure in your 80 years of living” he caressed her lips.

She was silent for about two seconds before replying.

By biting his finger off. Somehow with her teeth not falling along. 

“You killed a baby and her mother. How dare you” she burst into tears.

“How dare you. How dare you. How da–”



How could they talk. They were all dead.

“Old fucking bitch! When I ask you something you have one answer. I get what I want no matter what. Afterall… I am the one and only Onigawara. Future upper moon heheheheheeeeee”

“Tch! Bitch disrupted my cum session. Now I have to reset. Oh shit!! Right, I came here for a reason"

He dashed his way. Making his way to complete his mission he'd forgotten about.

* * * * * *



Yuki who was on her way to deliver the letter you sent was there and now witnessing Tamayo’s demise.

“Eh? EEEEEEHHH!? What is happening here!? Lady Tamayo’s house is being attacked by demons!!?? Why… I mean…. How the hell did they even find her?? I should do something.”

She flew about a feet before returning to the tree.

“Who am I kidding? I’m not doing shit! I should probably go back and get Y/N! Yes he’s my safest bet!”

She dropped the letter and began making her flight in full speed to get you immediately.

A/N- Hola👋! Ciao👋! Bonjour👋! I feel like I need to be dissected🗡️🗡️ and studied📓📓 for my ability to procrastinate. But how's everybody's life? Hope y'all like the duel from last chapter. I really wish this was a manga so I can just show stuff rather than using description. But such is life I guess.

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