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✿ This content is made up of the Author's imagination, or used in a fictitious manner. It's only for entertainment purposes, so please don't take it seriously ✿


Mrs. Kim attempted to convenience the officer, but it didn't work. "I think we should tell Namjoon everything" Mrs. Kim said to Y/n

"No Mom... Please" Y/n said

"But we need someone"

"Then call Jimin"

"Jimin?" Mrs. Kim asked with a confused expression

"Yes, he knows everything" Y/n replied

"Mrs. Y/n It's enough" officer said, and said to the other officer "Take her inside"

"Hey wait... You can't even touch her, until our lawyer comes here" Mrs. Kim said,

"Okay, then call your lawyer soon" officer said

"You wait here I'll be back" Mrs. Kim said. And went out and called Jimin, he picked up the call,

*On call*

"Hello!!!" Jimin said,

"Get the lawyer to the police station quickly" Mrs. Kim directly said

"Is everything okay... are you okay?"

"I'm But..." she tells him everything

"Did you already know the truth about her?" Jimin asked,



"I'll tell you later... Firstly, you come here... And yes, don't tell Joonie about it"

"Okay... Okay"

*Call end*

Within some time, he went there with a lawyer. Mrs. Kim waiting for him outside, he went to her and asked "Where is she?"


"Okay... Aunty, I think you should go home before the leader reached home and finds out everything"

"But Y/n"

"Don't worry... We'll also be reach in a while"

"Okay... Take care" Mrs. Kim said and left from there. Jimin and Lawyer went inside. They discussed everything with the officer, but he refused to leave her "But we can take her on bail" the lawyer said,

"No you can't Because Such people are called terrorists" officer said

"Hey, What you mean?" Jimin said in anger tone,

"Jimin, Calm down" lawyer said to him, and to officer he said "Is there any other way to close this case completely?"

"No, there is nothing" he replied

"But as far as I know, we can take her on someone's responsibility" lawyer said

"Yes you can, but" before he completes his words, Jimin cut him in the middle while saying "That's it, I can take her responsibility"

"Who are you?" the officer asked him

"Her friend Jimin" he replied

"No, I mean your position?"

"I'm Director of K-Group"

"We can't leave her to your responsibility"


"Because for which we have caught her is a massive crime, we can leave her only on the responsibility of some big personality"

"Big... personality... what if K-Group take her responsibility?"

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