9; Finding Seoul-itude.

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The restaurant maintained its exclusivity, and its finesse as well. They took care of all the rumors of their guests as long as it was within their turf. That's what Aahil loved about it.

He didn't have to worry.

"Easy. I know you," the guy stated, waving it off. "It's not the first time you traveled halfway across the city just to avoid interacting with others." At that point, he was used to Aahil pulling one of his many disappearing acts whenever things got rough like that.

"You've never found me before." Aahil didn't buy that explanation. It made sense in a way, but at the same time, it couldn't have been that easy. "Who gave you the tip?" He knew there had to be a third party.

There's no way the guy managed to find him like that. He'd been avoiding everyone for a reason. He didn't want to be found easily.

The guy folded his lips in, knowing he'd been caught. Knowing playing around the bushes and dodging it wouldn't be of any help, he decided to simply give out the name. "Aadil," he stated with a sigh, "he gave me the exact address."

Why wasn't Aahil surprised? The man was the only one who could find him anywhere he wanted, no matter how hard he tried to hide. Well, him and a woman equally as powerful as him, or maybe even more. But well, that's another story entirely.

"—your dearest cousin gave it away in exchange for annoying you as much as you did to him." The guy casually shrugged.

The corner of Aahil's lips tilted slightly at the mention of his cousin, whom he traveled back to Nigeria to see. Although that was the excuse he hid behind, he refused to admit he did so to avoid his own problems as well.

He had a feeling Aadil knew already though. The man knows everything.

Besides, they grew up as siblings, given Aahil grew up in the arms of Aadil's mother; they were practically siblings. Naturally, he enjoyed annoying him.

Seems someone is out to get back at him for that though.

Shaking his head slightly to discard the thought, Aahil found himself inquiring. "Since when have you and Aadil been close?"

"Since we decided to team up and annoy the crap out of you," the guy responded casually. "It's a siblings thing." He piped in.

Aahil yet again found himself blowing out a discreet breath. Taking another sip of his drink, he slanted his gaze to the man seated across him for the first time, his eyes pinning him with a knowing look. "Why are you here, Dean?" he already knew he was going to give him a crap response, so he was quick to add. "I want facts."

This time around, it was Dean's turn to sigh, his earlier larking expression disappearing and being replaced with a serious one. When he spoke again, his voice held every ounce of seriousness. "I'm here to scout you."

Aahil looked away, dismissing the issue. "I doubt you flew halfway across the

world just for that."

"I was already here, why not take the opportunity to do so now? Besides, you've been dismissing it, I ought to do it formally."

"The Captain of a whole team scouting me? Don't let the tabloids hear about that, they'll go crazy." That was his subtle way of saying no. He had said that one too many times already; Dean was just too persistent.

He's been using every means he possibly can, every little chance to ask.

Dean ignored the remark, knowing better than to allow himself to get indulged in that statement. Aahil is capable of doing so.

"Why don't you join Premier City Club and just leave City United? We'll offer you better conditions, and you know it." He'd lost count of how many times they've had that conversation.

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