Chapter 20 The New Apartment

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Chapter 20 The NewApartment

Zeda, Ella, Chaz, his guard, and Janice Kind helped Quincy move his and Zeda's belongings to a new apartment flat for show.

Alana-Hope came in a few moments later, lugging boxes of books from the service elevator. "I thought you'd have heavier items."

Quincy set up his video game console and placed his bread machine and a blender on the kitchenette counter.

"I pawned half my books because my ex hated reading." He ran into another room and walked out with a cardboard box. He shoved it into Alana-Hope's hand. "I found an extra set of pots and a blender if you need them."

Aver-Joy looked through the box and placed the blender beside her feet. "I could use a blender."

Chaz glanced at Ella. "Wow, you look amazing in sweats."

Ella turned to Chaz. "Stop trying to make Zeda jealous."

"But I wasn't," Chaz stammered.

Ella touched Chaz's wrist. "Did I help stop your employees from killing you?"

"I partially froze my father's account and cut him out of my will. The last killers he hired to kill me are Ministry agents. He is wanted for trafficking Marked women as servants and brides. Beauty standards differ depending on the planet." He walked over to the gaming system. "Everyone wants me dead. I need to have fun and forget."

"I want you alive." Ella hugged him.

Chaz lost his thoughts for a moment and pointed to Quincy's video game system? "Do you have Mrs. Pickle-Man? I love retro games."

Quincy nodded, 'Yes.'

Zeda patted Quincy's shoulder. "Mine has sixteen thousand games, but not Mrs. Pickle-Man, we need to play."

"You're a gamer, remake clothes, you're intelligent, and you're gorgeous. I'm shocked you are not married. Well, hopefully, you'll be married to me," Quincy said.

"Wow, you are more convincing than any actor we could have hired." Janice hugged him.

"I'm not acting. I plan to win Zeda's heart and become her husband." He winked at Zeda.

She placed her fingers over her mouth to hide her grin.

"Wow, you're smooth. You need to give me pointers. You'd be shocked, but I'm terrible at talking with women." Chaz sat next to Ella.

"It only takes one," Quincy said.

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