Chapter One

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 She met her Savior

Everyone started their whispering as she walked in with a pillow and a blanket by the crime scene. She looked down the blood, titling her head as if she was figuring out the scene in her thoughts. Walking slowly towards the crowd rather than the to the evidence found by the place where an old alchemist was nearly killed by his own experiment inside the congested cell;  observatory room. He was in profound coma. 

People standing here! Leave or clean the floor you are standing by said Kera, the girl with the pillow and a blanket, with unusual med in her hands she gulped five times. She is taking drugs someone said and Keral, the witness from the back thought that too as her pale skin and baggy eyes were more of a proof. 

Do as she says said Jack and everyone backed off except Keral. Kera stared at him with her lifeless eyes saying 'I want him! You are Keral right!' 

Ho-how do you know? Keral asked 

You had work with the Alchemist and also knows about this old man more than anyone in the town! said Kera.

Everyone left as Jack scared them. It was only those three by that big mansion with nothing but only one room in work, rest locked. Kera and Jack; when their hunting division was there; had known for their work to catch the culprits in two days or sometimes in few hours but the only unusual thing about them was that they would lock themselves by the crime scene with nothing but the dead body or patients similar to the old man who is in coma now. No one has ever saw them working in daylight or twilight and Keral was the first one to join their crazy hunt. 

May I know why you are sleeping by the ground and that too exactly where they had marked the body? asked Keral to Kera but she didn't answer instead looked at Jack to answer on behalf of her. 

She wants you to shut up and sleep  said Jack as he started to take out the list of questions. Jack played a music, a frequency to be specific and lighted scented candles which made Kera to close her eyes but also a red scarf tied over her  covering the eyes. When did you last saw the old man? Asked Jack as he saw Kera finally stopped moving around which means she had slept.

 When did you last saw the old man? Asked Jack as he saw Kera finally stopped moving around which means she had slept

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In morning! 

Can you tell me his activity!!! asked Jack and Keral could notice how he is checking on Kera again and again as if he is waiting up for some sort of action from her side.

He was writing his notes by the journal when he told me to go and fetch him few elements for his new experiment but I'm mostly here for housework only!

What was the experiment about?

Hmm! well! He never told me that though all I know is, he has been studying human brain chemical activities. In the morning he was looking at the book sent by unknown. He was serious about it, so I didn't disturb him and next thing I knew was he was lying near the door, after three hours of my arrival.

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