Chapter Eighteen

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A Magician Plain's

I will be the future you will look into! said Keral smiling and it was the first time Kera was uncomfortable with Keral's smile. It was as if the situation has turned. You mean you were always there? asked Kera firmly. 

Yes! we have sometimes shared the same dream and sometimes--- 

Keral looked at Kera's eyes to give her the hints. Kera titled her head and as she processed why he was looking at her like that; she blushed thinking of the other dreams that no one knows about. The one where she is out of control to her own emotion, the one she let her thoughts run without any consequences. 

Alright! at least you remember the dream

What that supposed to mean? and did I - I---

Nothing! Just saying Keral laughed and started to tell the theories of Dreaming from his perspective. He started to tell his story how he used to Lucid dream but he couldn't feel anything; felt like a failed dreamer to me quoted Keral. I used to Lucid dream the only thing was weird that I felt I was looking at other people's dreams too; that's when I realize we all dream by the same plain. The Dreamworld is a black and white print of walking world but the only difference is the will power we held by the plains. 

You know Kera! Dream doesn't have sound! It's our brain 'KNOWING IT' what's going on! 

Woah! I-I did not knew that! 

No one does!!

I realized we all meet in dreams once in our lives but we are nothing to each other; just other dream characters. The Dreamworld mimics or maybe it's also a plain where we live in nightlight to have courage facing the walking life. As because our practice of dreaming has been gone from the human history we are weak in walking life and also having no connection to dream either; it's all distorted because we didn't kept that plain of mind within us. 

You mean people who claim their dream doesn't make sense is because they are disconnected to the dream plain which was actually giving them situation to survive? Oh yeah! we have lost the touch to dream which is a bridge to unconscious mind and other plains! 

Yes!!! Dream is a simulation  of living plain! I might not be entirely right of which one is simulation but I do know in every plain; it's all about survival after all human are the only species to have accounts of their evolution! 

We all dream by the same land piece it's just we are at different locations! said Kera listening to Keral very carefully, understanding him. In his words Kera was feeling calm knowing the other world yet uncanny of his composer. The way he was sitting, the way he was smiling, the way his hands floated in the air in his every explanation of this power. 

So you were there is every dream of me and everyone? asked Kera

I don't know about everyone but YOU! I was in your dream! I chased for you in every plain! trying to find you!!

But why me? there are thousands characters in dream you could be fascinated by! 

Because those characters were just lines but you were the living in this dream! You always been alive in dreams! I felt enchanted!!! So I just followed you everywhere even though a point came where my own dreams didn't have any color left--

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