" I see. You are clueless. "

' What?!"

"Well, my suggestion is that a lot of factors come to play that somewhat makes you stand out even if you don't mean to." She glanced at the hoodie before returning back to her face.

' Ok, is there a problem because you've been staring at this hoodie for a while now lady. If you see something ,say something!' Wang Linxue smiled as she nodded in agreement.

" So why did you call me here?" Wang asked not wanting to drag things out, she still felt sticky and felt the need for a shower.

" As I said earlier, you stand out even if you don't mean to and my boss was thinking of hiring new talents, that is, actors, singers, pop groups, models,artiste, what have you and wants to groom them in the company. You were chosen as well. As part of the acting group."

" Wait, really?" Wang Linxue couldn't believe it. Anyone could see, SR company was going to be big and they were already starting to incorporate themselves by training new talents since they were just budding company that was already successful. This would be a wonderful opportunity for Wang Linxue, except,

" Thank you for the opportunity. But I don't want that kind of pass. I'm more of a behind the scenes kind of person so I have to politely refuse." She clasped her hand on her lap, criss crossing her thighs covered with her school skirt. The room was air conditioned in this cold weather so her legs were littered in goosebumps.

" What? You have a chance to better yourself and you don't want it?"

" I don't want to be famous. It comes with a lot of hassle and I rather avoid that space. But if you put me away from the spotlight, I'd be happy to do that."

Wang Linxue knows or at least has read about the dark side to fame. While you'd be adored by many, you'd also have a lot enemies. Your privacy would almost not be yours anymore and normal things like going out to buy stuff on the street would seem like a luxury due to how well known you would be.

Not saying, she would become popular if became an actress because the process of training takes a while and you may not necessarily make it and you'd have wasted years of your life.

For her, it wasn't worth the risk. Even if the company supported her not everyone assigned to a company made it. Only lucky ones did. And she wasn't one to bet her future on luck. Not anymore.

"I don't understand. You're going to give up the opportunity so you could be at the backstage?"

" I'm sure." She affirmed confidently.

" What a waste." She scoffed at Wang Linxue before she picked up piece of paper and tore it.

' Dramatic much?'

" Fine. I'll have to speak to my boss about you. Almost all recruits agreed to this package or at least said they would think about it. But you.... Very well. I will call you when there is anything."

" Thank you so much!"

" Mm."

When Wang Linxue closed the door behind her ,the lady took a file and looked through. It had all of Wang Linxue's family background and other information on it. She scanned it thoroughly for a few minutes.

This girl was specifically handpicked by the boss so she expected her to show interest. Surprised at what she is seeing , she read till the end of the report. After reading the report she thought back to girl who just left.

Wang Linxue was a striking young lady with a milk peach skin tone , no wonder her profile name was so accurate. Her features were delicate and refined, with high cheekbones and full lips that were perfectly balanced against the wide expanse of her forehead.

Ties And Fate (Book 1)✔️Where stories live. Discover now