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I feel like my nerves are fried. I've spent the past week trying to keep up an outward show that everything is normal while on the inside, I'm in turmoil. Lisa has gone out of her way to avoid me this entire week, which a small part of me is thankful for because I don't think that I could see her without breaking down. To top off my heart break, I'm nervous every time I turn a corner, waiting for the moment that Taehyung decides to ask me to prom.

My mother excitedly tells me that it's going to be memorable and will go down in history. I can't help thinking that if I answer him honestly, then it will definitely go down in history as the most savage rejection ever. I don't know how much longer I can take the suspense. The pressure is building and I don't know when it's going to explode.

With the campaign notching up a gear this week, I've had a lot of people asking about Taehyung and me. Against my mother's advice, I've been telling them the truth that we are not together. We are absolutely not dating. I've been polite and diplomatic about it, stating that we are just friends. But the hairspray duo wants me to deny the relationship but add a wink every now and then, to keep everyone guessing. That just adds to the rumour mill though. How many of them will believe me, I don't know, especially with the lies that Taehyung is telling everyone that will listen to him. To hear him claim that we're over at his place making out every day, if not more, some of the more back-handed comments I've heard are true. I'm no virgin but even I blush at some of the details. It's simply vulgar.

Who says stuff like that about the person that they are supposedly dating? I would never tell anyone the stuff that Lisa and I did in private. Because that is what that aspect of a relationship is - private.

Whenever I see Taehyung around school, which is way more than I'm used to, I've subtly tried to turn his attention to other girls. Unfortunately, Taehyung is not very good at listening when he doesn't want to, so I highly doubt a subtle tactic will work. He's going to make a great politician one day but he can do it without my vote.

It is with a heavy heart that I am finally subjected to Taehyung's prom-posal. It happened at lunch on Friday.

I'm sitting at my usual table with my friends, when a kid delivers a single red rose with a note attached. 'Will' is the only word written on it. Oh God no. I hate red roses. They are so overrated that they are tacky, there is no thought in the gesture.

The girls are fully tuned in now. They're all gushing over the rose when another is delivered. 'you.'

This is going to be a long prom-posal.

By the time the fifth rose was delivered, people around the room were starting to notice. After seven roses, I have the sentence 'Will you go to prom with me?' Noooooooo! I want to scream, but instead I keep a pleasant smile on my face. Oh, aren't I so lucky to receive such a romantic gesture. Does anyone else want it instead? Anyone, please!?

With the end of a question, I'm wondering what am I meant to do next? The girls are quickly brainstorming ideas on how I should accept because it's a given to them that I will accept. I think out of everyone in the school, they are the ones who believe me the least when I say that I'm not dating Taehyung. They give little looks when I say that there is nothing going on and make little comments like they are trying to catch me on my lie.

Why am I friends with these bitches?

Suddenly the girls stop combing through their limited brain cells and squeal, pointing over my shoulder. I turn around to find Taehyung making his way over to me with a few more roses in his hand. Great, now everyone in the lunchroom is watching.

"Seven roses is never enough for a lady. Please add these further five red roses to your bouquet." Oh please. I feel like I'm going to puke. It's all I can do not to grimace.

One of the girls does the math. "That makes twelve. Ah, he's given her a dozen red roses. That's so sweet."

He places them on the table with the others. "Now, I don't expect you to carry them around loosely." From his sleeve he pulls out a clear plastic, that he proceeds to wrap around the flowers. From his back pocket, he pulls out two ribbons. One has 'Yes' written on and the other has 'No'. "The final finish is the ribbon. So Jennie Kim, will you go to prom with me?" he asks, while pushing the 'Yes' ribbon further forward.

I take a moment to look around me. People will think that it is for dramatic effect but really I'm dying for an intervention. The girls are all nodding, and at other tables, people are standing up to get a better view, their phones are out and pointing at us. This is a lot of people watching. They will all want to know why if I say no.

I'll spend the next week dodging questions instead of gaining votes. People will laugh at Taehyung, and while I find it annoying that he doesn't listen when I say that we are not together, I don't want to make a laughing stock out of him. As much as I want to say no, I can't be that mean.

Keeping a fake smile on my face, I reach for the 'Yes' ribbon and focus on tying it around the flowers. Behind me, Taehyung announces to the lunch room that I've accepted his prom-posal.

Oh, dear God. I'm already regretting my decision.

I internally sigh, now I just need to find a way to tell Taehyung that I only want to go as friends and nothing more. Bloody hell, my hands are shaking.

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