
Today was a long day. I never thought that it was going to end and it's still not over yet.

I was frozen in the hallway when Taehyung kissed me, it was so out of left field that I couldn't process what was happening. Hearing Rosalia call after a retreating Lisa woke me up with a sharp slap. Shit, that would have looked really bad.

Everything in me wanted to go after Lisa but she had long disappeared around the corner. School is not the place to talk to her. Too many prying eyes and ears. It's going to be difficult to send her a text without one of my friends looking over my shoulder to see who I'm messaging. Nosy bitches.

So after finally making it through the school day, I make up some excuses to my friends and head over to Lisa's house. Hopefully she's at home and even more hopefully, her friends are not there with her. My need to see her outweighs any other worries.

I knock on the door that has become like a second home to me and wait. It doesn't take long before Chitthip, Lisa's mother, opens the door. She smiles when she sees me. I love how Chitthip always makes me feel welcome when I visit. Some of my friends' parents still ignore me when I visit and I've known them since kindergarten.

Chitthip was easily like a second mom to me, most of the time I had preferred her to my actual mother. "Hey Jennie, I didn't know that you were coming over." She says gathering me in a hug as soon as the door was closed behind me.

"Hi, it wasn't planned. Is Lisa home?"

"She is. She's in her room, go on ahead."

"Thanks, Mrs. Manoban." I smile. Now that I'm at the door, my nerves skyrocket. Hopefully she'll let me in her bedroom. I walk down the hallway and knock on her door. Pretty sure that my heart is beating louder than my knock.

"Yeah." She calls from the other side.

Gently I open the door and stick my head around. "Hey, it's just me." I'm scared stiff that she won't want to see me, I probably look guilty as hell and I'm so nervous. "Can I come in?"

She schools her face into a neutral expression. Shit, I can't tell how this is going to go. The nod gives me a tiny flicker of hope, so I slide into the room, closing the door behind me. Now, where the hell should I begin.

"It wasn't what it looked like today." I begin in a lame rush.

"I've been through my brains all day trying to come up with an excuse that can explain what I saw. Nothing comes to my mind that can explain it. So please, tell me what I witnessed today wasn't real, Jennie." She pleads, breaking my heart with her broken plea and her eyes not meeting mine.

"I promise you that I am not dating Taehyung. I was just as shocked as everybody when he kissed me, I've washed my mouth like twenty times since then. I certainly never expected for him to call me his girlfriend."

She runs her hands through her hair. "So where exactly did he get that idea in his head, because he practically pissed on you today, marking you as his!" If I wasn't so scared of Lisa breaking up with me, I'd laugh at that, that was basically what that asshole did.

"Our moms are friends. They got it in their heads that Taehyung and I should go to prom together, a new power couple, they said. I couldn't say why I didn't want to go with him, so I just said, it could be an option but I'll have to think about it. Next thing I know Taehyung is kissing me at school. I haven't even spoken to Taehyung in weeks before today."

"Have you set him straight?" she asks cautiously, with her face softening. Her eyes finally meeting mine.

"I've told him three times today that I'm not his girlfriend. Please say that you'll forgive me, I promise I won't let Taehyung close enough to kiss me again."

She smiles coyly. "Have you really washed your mouth twenty times?"

"Yes, and it still doesn't feel right."

She gets up and slinks across the room to me. "Guess I have to kiss them better." She says with a sigh like it's a major chore for her. I love her clowning ways.

I pout my lips out and nod energetically. Wrapping her arms around my neck she pulls me down for a kiss. "Better?" she whispers against my lips.

"Nearly there." I say moving while my hands from her waist down to her butt, pulling her in tighter to me. Our lips clash again, I slide my tongue across her bottom lip and she opens her mouth to grant me entry. A soft moan escapes as our tongues wrestle.

"Please don't doubt how much I love you, Lisa."

We rest our heads together, glazing into each other's eyes. She sighs and nods. "It just took me by surprise that's all."

"I know, and it won't happen again. I promise." I start to lean down to kiss her again when my phone rings. Pulling it out of my pocket I see a message from my mother. I groan when I read it. "Stupid grapevine." I mumble. "Sorry, it's my mom. I've got to get home and set the story straight before she meddles more and mess with my life."

Right now, all I need is her and Taehyung's mother talking, and they'll have us down the aisle by tomorrow. Eww gross. The only good thing that came out from Taehyung's kiss is that I've reconfirmed that I am definitely not bisexual, and most certainly not even straight at all.

Lisa reaches up for a quick kiss, before releasing me. "Okay, call me later."

I nod, while kissing her once more on her forehead then I walked out. After a quick shout good-bye to Lisa's mother, I'm out of the door and heading for my car. I pause before getting in my car to let the breeze wash over me. What a shitty day. At least my relationship is fine. Now for the next stage of this rubbish day. Time to have some choice words with my mom.

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